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Silliest....and sometimes RUDE names...

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.....I don't swear but when I say these names I feel as I am!!! :cop:/>/>

I would be too embarrassed to say where I lived if I was a resident on one of these places. :blush:/>/>

Check out the Link...click on photos arrow.. :rolleyes:/> There is even a name for a place called F......ING. :bandhead2:

http://travel.aol.co.uk/2012/11/28/funny-place-names-around-the-world /?icid=maing-grid7%7Cuk%7Cdl5%7Csec1_Ink1%26pLid%3D140347 :occasion2:/>/>

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There is even a name for a place called F......ING.

There's even a pale beer that is labeled as coming from that place (even though it is brewed somewhere else).

And since the German term for pale beer is Hell... well, you can figure the moniker of the beer out for yourself.

Then again, while visiting Canada... ;)



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There's even a pale beer that is labeled as coming from that place (even though it is brewed somewhere else).

And since the German term for pale beer is Hell... well, you can figure the moniker of the beer out for yourself.

Then again, while visiting Canada... ;)/>



:rofl::woot.gif: :woot.gif:

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Not to far from here is a town named Hell, Michigan. Halloween is big there as it the obligatory "Go to Hell" to get your groceries or gas or whatever. The sign at the town limits is of course laced with fire. If you Google Hell, Michigan you'll see dozens of photos of town signs.

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When I die I wouldn't mind being buried in Muff, just sayin :banana:/>/>

Only if Intercourse, Pa wasn't available.

Along the same lines as Home's post, on Interstate 75 in Troy, Michigan is Big Beaver Road which by chance is Exit 69. Much talk for years about that "coincidence".

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Only if Intercourse, Pa wasn't available.

There's one in Alabama as well.

Then again, there's a Climax over in both Georgia and Colorado, and a Mianus in Connecticut.

Just sayin'. :)

Along the same lines as Home's post, on Interstate 75 in Troy, Michigan is Big Beaver Road which by chance is Exit 69. Much talk for years about that "coincidence".

*cough*Beaver Lick, Kentucky*cough*. :)



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Here's a couple from New Zealand for you


I won't even attempt to pronounce it, here is a link to what it means

Longest New Zealand name

One that school age children have had fun with (especially at school) is the

name of Whakatane. The name is New Zealand Maori, and just to give you

a gist Wh is pronounced F, so phonetically one would pronounce it as follows

F*ck -A- Taan -Eh.

School children (some, not all - the more adventurous) know they can say it at school

or in public without fear of trouble.

A link to the place


We have other place names simlar like

Whakapapa - great for skiing




Te Puke (Te in Maori is the same as "The") so one would think The Puke right?

No it's pronounced Tee - Pook - ee

Te Puke

Edinburgh of the South, Dunedin one would righly think (phonetically)

Dune -din. No it's pronounced Dun (or Dan)- Eden

My MIL is from Australia, when she first came to New Zealand she had issues with

the way "One" seemed to be at the begining of certain place names.

There is a suburb in Auckland called "Onehunga" one would think phonetically One - Hung -A, right?

No it's pronounced On -E Hung- A (Or Oh-Knee-Hung-A).

We also have a place called One Tree Hill, which is pronounced as you read it.

My poor MIL really messed with a poor bus drivers head when she wanted to go to (you guessed it) On-e Tree Hill.

A link to a few others that will get you laughing

Funny New Zealand Names



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I live about an hour from a place called Dildo. There's a Shag Rock in the same area, and it's not too far from Conception Bay. We also have places like Joe Batt's Arm, Blow Me Down, Jerry's Nose, and Come By Chance.

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I live about an hour from a place called Dildo. There's a Shag Rock in the same area, and it's not too far from Conception Bay. We also have places like Joe Batt's Arm, Blow Me Down, Jerry's Nose, and Come By Chance.

It must be one of those things that locals just get on with but visitors must get a kick out of the names especially Dildo..

Did the Pirates land there at some point! :woot.gif:

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Only if Intercourse, Pa wasn't available.

Along the same lines as Home's post, on Interstate 75 in Troy, Michigan is Big Beaver Road which by chance is Exit 69. Much talk for years about that "coincidence".

You're taking soooo many of my favorites, and making me home sick at the same time! On F-18's the op check for the pitot static system is called suck and blow, a release and control check is called a bang check, and afterburner op checks are hitting blower :D

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