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Difference in 747-200 nose cones

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The top bird has 13 windows the bottom has 14. The difference is the one at the front. That's what's making the nose look different

Thanks for pointing it out, but i used MS paint to draw an extra window in front of it and still it looks very different. The windshield of the top one seems to be in line with the nose cone (sharper angle). The bottom oe seems to have a shorter nose with a larger angle. I hope someone understands what i mean.

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I think the photo on top is a 747-100 with P&W engines and the other s a -200 with GE CF6 engines. Although -200's also had P&W there are a lot less windows on the upper deck of the top plane than the bottom one.

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Relying on photographs is a perfectly acceptable way of evaluating a profile or producing an accurate model so long as you understand how perspective distortion works and understand the idea of relative proportions. You need to possess the ability to visualize objects in three dimensions in your head and extrapolate depth data from visual cues. It comes with experience and eye training.

The nose on the top photo appears to look different because the shading under the fuselage blends in with the background, making it appear slimmer. Complicating matter is a difference in elevation and a narrower field-of-view in the second photograph, likely due to the camera being slightly closer. This has the effect of maing the nose appear shorter and more blunt.

By the way, training your eyes can be good and bad. Because my eyes have spent years making 3D models of airplanes (never the '47 though, i can't stand 'em), my brain is wired to see these cues and compensate, thus I see no real difference. If that sounds fantastic to you, you would be amazed how many optical illusions do not work on me. This really sucks when they're part of a vision test!

Edited by angry_android
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All 747s from the prototype through the latest 747-8 have the exact same fuselage structure/shape and the same radome.

Photos can be deceiving on the best of days.

Also, note that the number of upper deck windows is not an ID feature for the -100 vs. the -200. There were -100s with 10 upper deck windows, and -200s with three.

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