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Future as a gloss coat

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Being new to future and its application. When you use future as a gloss coat before applying my decals, the last thing i want to do is mess up my only airbrush which is a iwata. How do you guys use future in your airbrush and how do i clean out my airbrush after i use future. I know that it is very very hard when it dries and like i said, i don't want to mess up my only airbrush. When i use my paints in my airbrush i usually use lacquer to clean my airbrush out and that works very well. So if you guys can tell me how to use future in my airbrush without destroying it, i would be great full. I know that this post has posted before so be patient with me :rolleyes:

Richard Tomcat-Lover

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I normally spray through with warm soapy water for a good 5 mins at the highest pressure my compressor will allow adjusting the needle back and forward to avoid Future settling on the needle bearing or the needle. I then strip the AB and soak all the parts in White spirit overnight, before re assembly then an operational test spaying White spirit.

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Hi Richard.

Besides other advises, consider handbrushing Future.

It might take a while to practice with a soft flat brush, but results are really as good as airbrushed.

Water and soap work fine for cleaning your brush.



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I'm a chicken when using my airbrush (until i get another one)with Future so I may have to consider handbrushing with Future until I get another one. Thank you for your advice 72linerlover.

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I share your concern, and I only have one Iwata as well. I immediately flush with windex (with ammonia), and then to take care of any residual, I flush with alcohol. And finally, I just spray a little clear water. And make sure after all of this that you spray ALL of any remaining liquid out of the airbrush. The few times mine has clogged was when I didn't do that last step - very important.

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As above, Ammonia is a wax stripper, no matter how gummed up or hard the Future can get Ammonia will dissolve it, you have no worries using Future through your brush, as mentioned Ammonia will dissolve Future not thin it so you should reduce/thin with water.


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I use to spray it, but have sinced just brush it on with a soft wide brush. Way quicker and no cleaning or thinning. Just rinse brush in water. That east that quick. Forget using it in a airbrush.!

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In my experience, for all the work required to clean Future from my airbrush my effort is better spent on using actual model paints. Over the long run Future is more economical, but I've never NOT had it gum up my airbrush. All of those who have never had problems will be quick to accuse me of "operator error", and that may be so. It does, however, airbrush beautifully. It requires no thinning, lays down a sweet gloss coat and pretty much self levels. Having to go through 4 or 5 stages of cleaning is a steep penalty compared to using Model Master Gloss Clear (which requires 1 step of cleaning).

Your call, but because of my not so great experience with future, I tend not to recommend it.


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I use to spray it, but have sinced just brush it on with a soft wide brush. Way quicker and no cleaning or thinning. Just rinse brush in water. That east that quick. Forget using it in a airbrush.!

I'm right in there with Sledge....I spent some $$ (about $15) for a very good quality 1.5 inch, soft brush, and simply brush on the Future. The self-leveling properties of the Future will not leave any brush marks, and decals lay down beautifully.

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I see one potential downfall with using a brush to apply Future: filling up the panel lines. If your panel lines are shallow, chances are they will be filled after one heavy coat or two medium coats. On the other hand, I had much better luck when applying Future with a brush.

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I found that if you apply multiple coats of Future with a hand brush, it is better to lightly sand with 3200 grit soft cloth between coats to avoid running or puddling...

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I just ran across a link saying that Future does indeed yellow over time: Future Floor Wax

Anybody experienced this before? Anybody with a yellow tinted canopy due to Future?

In that link they also say, that the formula was changed back in 1992 to prevent yellowing. Since that link is 14 years old, I guess that some of the problems encountered with "5 year old" models was that the old future was used?

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You really should have no concerns using future through your airbrush (even if it's the only one you have). Future is really the easiest thing to clean out of an airbrush. As other have suggested, just pour some Windex (I do two full-cup sprays of Windex) and shoot. After the Windex, I do a couple of sessions with distilled water, Medea airbrush cleaner, and, again, water. I then take the needle out, wipe it with lacquer thinner, and finally lay a thin film of Medea Airbrush Lube on it. I do all this once I'm finished for the day, not just for color changes.


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I use to spray it, but have sinced just brush it on with a soft wide brush. Way quicker and no cleaning or thinning. Just rinse brush in water. That east that quick. Forget using it in a airbrush.!

I have just started to use a brush to apply a future gloss coat as opposed to the ab. Results are very good. I use a wide brush and get a very nice, smooth, even finish.

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I'm new to Aircraft modeling and the forum, but not to modeling in general (mostly armor). I'm surprised to hear issues with Future and an airbrush. I've been spraying it for at least 10 years now without the slightest trouble with clogging.

I too only have one AB, the same Iwata HP-BC2 I bought in the mid 80s, still using the original nozzle and needle.

I dump the remaining Future, refill the cup about halfway with Windex, shoot that through, attach a bottle with alcohol. shoot that for a few seconds, wipe the needle down, then a few more seconds with water and put it away.

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Thanks for all the info guys. I hear great things about using future with a airbrush and using a wide brush to apply future. I will take both into consideration but when I get another airbrush I will try out using a airbrush to apply Future. So right now I will try the wide brush technique and practice with a old model that I have. Thanks

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Yessir, I have a Paasche H airbrush that I use for applying clear acrylic coats, mostly Future. I have also hand brushed it on. It can be tricky to work. When airbrushing Future, make sure that you have very good lighting. It will fool you, because it won't look smooth going on. Just remember that Future has great leveling qualities.

Now on to your question about cleaning your airbrush after using Future. The best advice I can give you is to clean it IMMEDIATELY after using Future. You don't want Future to dry in your airbrush. After running Future through my airbrush, I have "Windex with Ammonia-D" at the ready. The nice thing about the Windex is that it is clear blue in color. When it mixes with Future, it will cloud up. Also, if there is any Future on any metal parts of your airbrush, the Windex will make the parts will feel "snotty." I start running Windex through the airbrush at higher pressure right after using Future. After a few rinses, I usually soak the metal parts in Windex and then use brushes, cotton buds, pipe cleaners, etc. to clean the parts. I have also used lacquer thinner to clean my airbrush after using Future. But, again, the best advice is to start cleaning right away, and make sure that things are well cleaned and no Future is dried on any part of your airbrush. Good Luck!!!

Edited by balls47
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