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Modeling Group for Veterans with PTSD

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Greetings All!

I'm Mike and I'd like to introduce to you our private group for Veterans with PTSD.


The Warfighters Modelers Consortium is a Privately Led Group of PTSD Veterans that use modeling and replica building to help build a sense of community, self-worth and camaradie in a low stress environment.

Model building itself is great for reintegration, coordination strengthening and trust among members of our group to cope with anxiety provoking situations -- all resulting in higher confidence and greater sense of self-worth and passion, and control in life. I feel it is the least I can do with my skills is to give back to them for sacrificing so much for our country.

This group is a peer group that also allows veterans talk over their challenges with other veterans. Each Veteran will have a project to work on until he or she is completed.

With this fund we will buy the projects, supplies and tools to make it all happen.

Thank You for taking the time to read and check our site!

Thank You so Much for looking!


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Hi Jason!

Absolutely I would! My private stock is mostly Star Trek and Sci Fi...some of the guys just roll their eyes at me...LOL! What can I say...I'm a trekkie!

The group will contain veterans from Vietnam to OIF/OEF (Iraq and Afghanistan). Instead of keeping guys from one particular combat era...I felt as tho a mix of generations could add more experience to the mix.

I myself was combat wounded in Iraq and have PTSD also...which is what drove me to start this group. The VA is dreadfully slow to help some of these guys and they need a place to vent and get creative through that.

PM me and we can talk some more.

Once again I thank everyone for reading this thread an your willingness to help by any way possible!


Edited by MEdixWekeShoppe
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Modeling is low stress? Lol jk

Great idea for a group. I can definitely relate in my own way. Since I started modeling again I have actually found my stress level reduced and my patience increased. Lmk if you need anything I may be able to throw one or two kits your way. I don't have much in the form of aircraft anymore but maybe I can help out.

Edited by Bigasshammm
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LOL...I hear ya on the low stress...I really do. But ya know...it's the only thing that set me straight after my signs of PTSD started getting to me after combat! I finally retired medically after 31 years of service. More combat than I knew what to do with. More loss than I've ever seen in my life...modeling help put my life back together.

So I knew I had to give back in some way. Building this group from the ground up is what I'm accomplishing. It's a rough road for sure...I found an awesome modeler on the "RPF" that said he'd host our new website. It's the start-up that's the hard part. While I can take abit our of my pocket...even from my private stash of models...it's just not enough. So I'm hoping for a number of supporters to help us through this. If we can make this happen...then hopefully I can start another chapter to help other Veterans.

anything you can help with would be awesome. But please don't stretch yourself out.

Thanks again,


US ARMY Retired 31 years

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As a fellow Army veteran (Just Cause) and having served in Afghanistan as a civilian, please allow me to thank you for your service. We're doing something similar with our local club and the Wounded Warrior's Center on post. Kudos to you for your efforts.



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thank You and you're welcome! I want to applause your efforts with the Wounded Warriors on post! No one had that when I was in the Wounded Warrior Battalion for 2.5 years at Ft Bragg...I started my own but it fell by the wayside when I left. So I had to form a private organization here. I have the veterans ready to roll...but my private stockpile is only so big and my tools can only be shared too many times before it becomes frustrating for everyone. So that's why I took this public into GoFundMe.

I think it's awesome that in 3 days we got $70.00. My group will be excited that it's actually working. I even found a guy to host us on a server for a web page! I just wish my guys weren't so camera shy. But I understand most of then don't want people to know what things they go through...and it's a privacy issue so I understand.

Please keep up the good work where you are!



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Thanks for your service and helping out others.

Sorry for having to stay at Fayettnam, no one should have to go there but no one can tell you doggies anything. :D

Best of luck with helping others.

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Hey Gang!

We're 4 days into our drive for the "Warfighters Modeling Consortium" and we're up to $90.00! I want to thank everyone for helping with this.

I can't tell you how much this means to our group as we buy the tools and supplies needed for start our builds.


Once Again...Thank You so Much!


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