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1/48 F-35A Lightening II finished!

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Here she is, my first F-35A Lightening II in RNoAF colors :)/>/>

Cool kit, although require some careful checking of part fit as some numbers are reversed in the instructions.

Will I build another one? Hell, yes! :thumbs-up:






A couple of pic's with pylons on;



Sorry about the photo quality - taken with my HTC Titan X310 ;)/>/>

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I hope to have mine finished this weekend. A bit of a WIF as I am doing an RCAF bird.

I gave the kit an A for effort but C for execution. As Niels mentioned, there are parts that are misnumbered, so the old adage of test fit, test fit test fit certainly applies.

The complicated complex shaped parts often required lots of test fitting. The horizontal and vertical tail planes being a good example.

I found that by NOT gluing the the left and right intake halves together, they fit better. Mine must have a 1/4" gap where they meet the engine face but since nothing is visible, it's all good.

I used the etched exhausts .. umm they look okay painted

I added the missing exhaust on the bottom fuselage but don't think I got it quite right .. oh well.

Not to hijack Niels thread .. sorry

Thanks for the motivation to finish mine.


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