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My latest build. Took me a little over 13 months to finish. Put some exta detailing on it but not as much as I could have. Also kept it rather clean as it is a relative new machine. Colors are those used by the BAF (Belgian Air Force) in the 80's ans I thought it would look beter in SEA colors then in the boring grey livery in which it will probably be deliverd somewhere in 2018/19. Its not a show stopper as there are a few booboo's when you look at it up close and personal. But I'm happy with it.











That's it. Thanks for looking,

Eric Juvyns

Edited by DenJuve
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Yeah that's wicked! Nice job bro. So much better than B.O.G!

I have the same kit in the stash ready to go, but just no shelf space to put it once it's done. Oh well, one day when I can be bothered to put up shelves...

Did you have any major build/fit issues with it? The only real complaints I've heard about it is the big gap where the wing assembly attaches to the body. There were others but I don't remember what they were.

Thanks for posting your Grizzly! You don't see many of these on the boards - nice change from the usual F16s etc


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THx everyone :D/>

Did you have any major build/fit issues with it? The only real complaints I've heard about it is the big gap where the wing assembly attaches to the body. There were others but I don't remember what they were.

Thanks for posting your Grizzly! You don't see many of these on the boards - nice change from the usual F16s etc


Indeed the wing assembly has a relative big gap. But it is easy dealth with with some plasicard and CA glue. The biggest problem I had was how to paint such a big model. So I opted to paint the fuselage and wings separately and join them afterwards. If you want I can post some pics of this process. An other thing is that in my opinion the main landing gear is not strong enough. And then mostly the way the wheels are attached to the struts. FOr the the rest it's a relative enjoyable build.

Beautiful.. Did you scribe the panel lines?-9-

Nope, in my opinion this was not really necessary.

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Indeed the wing assembly has a relative big gap. But it is easy dealth with with some plasicard and CA glue. The biggest problem I had was how to paint such a big model. So I opted to paint the fuselage and wings separately and join them afterwards. If you want I can post some pics of this process. An other thing is that in my opinion the main landing gear is not strong enough. And then mostly the way the wheels are attached to the struts. FOr the the rest it's a relative enjoyable build.

Sorry for my delayed reply - I didn't realise you had replied. I'd love to see some in progress shots if you don't mind posting them here. I'm also interested to see what (if anything) you did to the interior.

I looked at the metal landing gear that's available from scale master (or what ever they're called) but decided against it due to a large number of bad reviews about their products. However, if someone has a contrasting opinion, I'd like to hear it.

Thanks again


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I totally missed this when you fist posted it Eric, this is a great job. I am starting one soon and would also love to see some build pictures.

SAC have released a white metal U/C for this kit which I have so I hope it is more suitable and stronger.


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Part deux :coolio:/>











That's it folks. Thx fo all the replies. They kind of motivate me to start an in progress post of my curent project. But on the other hand, I'm a lazzy basterd, so it probably won't happen.

Happy modelling,


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