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Academy Phantom II - is overall good ?

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I saw a new tool Phantom II finally arrived to czech shops. Can you say me - it is a accurate kit ? I can a MiG Hunter from 'Nam... (I found here a topics for purist (a refuelling probe doors is 0.5mm behind)... Thank you, i can hear - it s a OVERALL good Phantom, with excellent fitting or you must bought this and this... It is a shake n'bake kit ? I can build a Da Nang Gunfighter machine (Ideally Frederick "Boots" Blesse Phantom). Must wait for F-4C version or have all for "C" in this kit and need a decals only. Are here a SUU-16 gunpod for "Da Nang gunfighter" ? Thanx :)

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In short it is a good kit. The kit has a few minor errors that need correction but nothing that can't be dealt with. If you want to build a C model wait for the F-4C. The B wing is the thin wing; wrong wing for a C model.

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Oh so, a "C" have different wing ? In this cause i must build a Navy "MIg Killer" :) Academy Phantom is relative cheap - i bought a "C" version too :)

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The F-4B and RF-4B (except for the last 10) had a different wing from all other Phantoms. The F/RF-4B had the original 'thin' wing with skinny main gear tires and flat main gear doors. All other a/c had a thicker center wing section with wide tires.

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The F-4B and RF-4B (except for the last 10) had a different wing from all other Phantoms. The F/RF-4B had the original 'thin' wing with skinny main gear tires and flat main gear doors. All other a/c had a thicker center wing section with wide tires.

Any body know when the Academy F-4C is due out?

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