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First RAF RC-135W rolls out!

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Not sure where Jennings took the picture from since he forgot to credit the source/photographer but there are some more images on the RAF Waddington Facebook page:

Edited by Koen L
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Not even any roundels or flash?

Looks like a tiny roundel just under that black antenna and the Zed number behind that(just before the stab). The link shows a small 51 Sqn red goose on the tail.

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DEFINITELY needs some color! Tail art....roundels...stencils...and while we're at it..make the "Royal Air Force" more cursive or official or something! Other than that...beautiful paint job!

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Yeah I'm wondering why the Royal Air Force titles are in USAF lettering and not RAF lettering...

Because it was painted in Texas. And it's likely that's what the RAF specified.

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For about the 344th time, yes, the engine covers are photoshopped, but the RAF's first RC-135W *is* painted white over grey, with a blue stripe, and with blue "ROYAL AIR FORCE TITLES" on it. It is absolutely real, trust me. I know someone who has been on and around the aircraft.

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I've had a Rivet Joint and a KC-135R kit stashed for some time now so I can do a CFM engined RC-135W in a half and half scheme (RAF one side, 55th wing Offutt AFB other side). Looks like the paint job will be pretty easy to pull off in any event leaving the biggest challenge being the baseline 10.2 antenna mounts (I've got a set of Spectre resin cheeks already).

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