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PORSCHE 956 KIT & Books Sale

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This is a CRISIS SALE and I hope some of you guys can helpout. I need to liquidate my collection of kits along with many other things to raise $800.00 by Sept, 1st. So any help is greatly appreciated. My prices are very good and I hope to give you guys some good deals while you can help me out. IF possible can you send PAYPAL payment via “gift†so it cuts down on the fees.

I wont be working until the End of September so this is really a Financial Crisis. –Great weekend news huh-Life does kick you in *** But it is all about how fast you can get up again!

I am in the USA and I accept PAYPAL (preferred), Check and Money Orders

SHIPPING is NOT included.

Please email me directly at: scorvi@verizon.net



1/24 & 1/25

-Tamiya Porsche 956 1984 Le Mans car 'Kenwood' w/ Tamiya photo-etch Detail set (item 12627) $40.00 SPECIAL APCKAGE--$65.00 w/Porsche 956/962 : The Enduring Champions (Best single reference onthis car!)




Pro-Modeler 1969 Dodge Daytona Charger $25.00


Revell 1/25 Ford Mustang 1968 $$12.00



Porsche 956/962: The Enduring Champions (Hardcover –BEST single reference on this car Awesome books many color photos) $30.00


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