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KH 1/48 F-101A/C boxart

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I am loving this :wub: :wub: :wub: Now for the markings.... :pray: :pray:. It may be a bit much to ask, but it would be totally off the wall cool if they did the whole century series aircraft; more :pray: :pray: :pray:

Edited by #1 Greywolf
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A couple of things about that box art are curious. First, the horizontal tail is shown in a nose up position, which is fine, but the 'gap' on the vertical fin is shown below the horizontal tail--I think in this position, it would appear on the top. Second, he's deployed the drag chute with the nose gear off the ground--not a Voodoo expert, but did they really do that? Looks to me to be a great way to slam the nosegear to the ground... Maybe someone has some photos they could check.

I second the motion about the centerline pylon. The reason Voodoos were in the UK was to deliver Mk 7 nukes. If they don't want to add the nuke that's fine, I can use the one from the Revellogram F-84, but the pylon would be nice to have.

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A couple of things about that box art are curious. First, the horizontal tail is shown in a nose up position, which is fine, but the 'gap' on the vertical fin is shown below the horizontal tail--I think in this position, it would appear on the top. Second, he's deployed the drag chute with the nose gear off the ground--not a Voodoo expert, but did they really do that? Looks to me to be a great way to slam the nosegear to the ground... Maybe someone has some photos they could check.

I second the motion about the centerline pylon. The reason Voodoos were in the UK was to deliver Mk 7 nukes. If they don't want to add the nuke that's fine, I can use the one from the Revellogram F-84, but the pylon would be nice to have.

Apparently, they did hold the nose off with the chute deployed. Here's a link (since they don't allow hotlinking) to one over at Airliners.net: http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Air/McDonnell-F-101C-Voodoo/2114798/L/&sid=1f8587bd9c8e33377af0987811d828d7

Shouldn't be too hard to scratch a centerline pylon, if necessary. I did one for a Koster F-101C conversion many years ago.



Edited by Ben Brown
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Second, he's deployed the drag chute with the nose gear off the ground--not a Voodoo expert, but did they really do that? Looks to me to be a great way to slam the nosegear to the ground... Maybe someone has some photos they could check.

The CF-101B did that all the time, the pilot would use aerodynamic braking keeping the nosewheel up as long as possible, it looked pretty neat during formation landings.

edit: http://www.mcchordairmuseum.org/images/cf-101F_on_del.jpg


Edited by Finn
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my god, it's only box art.

If it gives the masses more things to complain about, it's all good.

Personally, I've got a huge issue with the cardboard used on the rest of the box. Way too roughly finished and I don't like the shade of brown.

Don't even get me started about the crappy shrink wrap....

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  • 3 months later...

If it gives the masses more things to complain about, it's all good.

Personally, I've got a huge issue with the cardboard used on the rest of the box. Way too roughly finished and I don't like the shade of brown.

Don't even get me started about the crappy shrink wrap....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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