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1/72 Academy Tempest V

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Hello, I would like to share my last build of 2013. This is Academy's 1/72 Tempest V, built OOB as Pierre Clostermann's machine. It is a very good kit and worth much more than the $5 I paid for it. This was my first attempt at using blu-tack as camo masking and I'm very happy at how it turned out. Of course, the carpet monster couldn't resist striking one last time before the year was over and gobbled up the clear gunsight. Painted with Tamiya's AS-30, AS-31, and AS-32 sprays.

Thanks for looking, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.






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Also, since everyone is posting their 2013 builds, I thought I should share mine as well.

1/48 Tamiya P-51D Mustang Glamorous Glen III



1/72 Fujimi F-4E 30th Anniversary (sorry, wrong photo posted, edited)


1/72 Tamiya P-51D Mustang WHIF Thunderbirds Bicentennial 1976



1/72 Hobbyboss F-14D VF-213


1/35 Dragon Tiger I Custom from Girls und Panzer


1/35 Academy M1151


1/48 Tamiya P-51D Mustang American Beauty


Fujimi Yamato eggship


Thanks for looking.

Edited by White Wolf
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Nice builds! Who says you MUST weather the crap out of everything? I'm starting to lean to the "less is more" concept of weathering myself.

The cross pattée with the Japanese characters on the Tiger had me scratching my head until I read the caption.

I especially like the T-birds Mustang. I think you nailed it.

Edited by Grey Ghost 531
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