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O.T. - Blu Ray Blues

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Well, so much for "new" technology. I just tried to play the new "Wolverine" movie (a rental, fortunately) and our Insignia Blu-Ray player says it needs a firmware update first. It's hard-wire connected to the internet, so I figured it would do that automatically. I did a quick Google search and the first result led me to the Insignia customer support forum, where countless very ticked off customers are complaining of the same issue. Insignia responds with a shrug of the shoulders and a yawn, saying that their "older" BR players (like our ancient three-year-old model) have been declared obsolete are are no longer being supported. I suppose I should be "thankful" we got three years of use out of it before it became a boat anchor..good thing we only spent $100 bucks on it. Insignia is supposedly offering a $50 credit for a replacement, IF you can find your original receipt. I think we'll keep just using this player until we can afford a name-brand one from a company that actually supports its products. Insignia of course it Best Buy's house brand. I guess they're now officially the Wal-Mart of home electronics.

<rant mode:off>


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I agree. The times of "customer service" and customer satisfaction are a thing of the past. Most companies will do stuff like that just to make a buck. I recently read that there was an inverse relationship between stock price (profitibility) and customer satisfaction. With data like that why try to please a customer? Part of the problem lies with john q public for tollerating this type if behavior by companies. More people need to vote with their wallets and walk. Other problem is their competition is usually doing the same thing...or worse.

Even if you do find the receipt and get a $50 credit, it still forces you to buy another insignia Blu ray, so they win either way.

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You had me at Insignia.....pure junk. I keep trying to ward people off from buying their products but of course people do as they are the lowest cost on the shelf.

You get what you pay for. Not slamming you Steve, its predator sales from Best Buy. They have designed that product to fail after the warranty period expires. They will of course sell you an extended warranty to fleece you further...

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I picked up a nice Sony BR player at Walmart for $60 last week ... It's WiFi only but its getting a great signal and there's no slow down in streaming ... In fact, I'm streaming right now ...

The thing is, manufacturers and retailers have been training society to upgrade all the time instead of repairing and maintaining ...


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Well, so much for "new" technology. I just tried to play the new "Wolverine" movie (a rental, fortunately) and our Insignia Blu-Ray player says it needs a firmware update first. It's hard-wire connected to the internet, so I figured it would do that automatically. I did a quick Google search and the first result led me to the Insignia customer support forum, where countless very ticked off customers are complaining of the same issue. Insignia responds with a shrug of the shoulders and a yawn, saying that their "older" BR players (like our ancient three-year-old model) have been declared obsolete are are no longer being supported. I suppose I should be "thankful" we got three years of use out of it before it became a boat anchor..good thing we only spent $100 bucks on it. Insignia is supposedly offering a $50 credit for a replacement, IF you can find your original receipt. I think we'll keep just using this player until we can afford a name-brand one from a company that actually supports its products. Insignia of course it Best Buy's house brand. I guess they're now officially the Wal-Mart of home electronics.

<rant mode:off>


I have a suggestion, go back to Best Buy, with the BR player, and ask for the credit. If it is the BB store brand then there is no reason they should not accept it.

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Ever since the PS2 I've been playing all my DVDs and blurays on game consoles....never had an issue with support.

Ditto that ...

Actually, since my Sega Saturn, I've been using my game consoles for CD playing and ripping ... I do hope Sony adds CD support on the PS4 in a firmware update before I get one ...


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Your problem is in your first sentence. Insignia is horrible. I had one of their HD TV's and it died within 6 months.

Get yourself a PS3. I don't play a lot of games anymore (read almost none), but you can't beat a game console for Blu-Ray player and NetFlix streaming.

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I have a suggestion, go back to Best Buy, with the BR player, and ask for the credit. If it is the BB store brand then there is no reason they should not accept it.

This is all part of the Best Buy plan. You return it and they will charge you a "restocking fee". They know what they are doing and will come out ahead.

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Get yourself a PS3. I don't play a lot of games anymore (read almost none), but you can't beat a game console for Blu-Ray player and NetFlix streaming.

Can't agree more. My PS3 is first generation (bought it 3 monthts after the first release) and it still works fine and plays bluray without problems all the time.

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You had me at Insignia.....pure junk. I keep trying to ward people off from buying their products but of course people do as they are the lowest cost on the shelf.

Does that make Insignia the Zhengdefu of consumer electronics? :monkeydance:

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This is all part of the Best Buy plan. You return it and they will charge you a "restocking fee". They know what they are doing and will come out ahead.

They will be out of business in 10 years.

Haven't shopped there in years. You can get everything they offer for cheaper with better service i you just shop around.

I agree get a PS3. I don't have many blue rays but the PS3 is more than adequate.

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On a related note I have an Oppo that is about 4 years old. It hangs up from time to time an I found that if I unplug the HDMI and watch through the component video output the problems go away. I have the latest firmware and have not talked with Oppo yet to see what they can tell me but even higher end players are prone top problems.

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