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2013, your greatest find / best buy..

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Got a 2008 Toyota Highlander with 130000Kms (80000 Miles) for $25000 Taxes in. Leather heated seats/Auto Start/Tow package with Brake assist/ Very clean AWD/4WD. Need to get some accessories like Bull Bar and Side steps and a set of summer rims. Just to make it look right. My first SUV (Truck) and I love it!!!

And I sold my 2002 Impala LS with 406000Kms (252000 Miles)for more than $2000.

Kit wise

All from Lucky Model

Wolfpack T-38 with shipping less than what I can get it in NA before shipping.

And a real Nice Decal sheet from Fundekals with many options at a very very reasonable price.

Kinetic F-5A kit for $32 with shipping included

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My best buy this year was at a local model show, a Hasegawa 1/72 RF-101 for $8 . I know this does not sound too exciting, but try and find one .... they are hard to find, and getting pricey.

My best find was a 1/72 NOVA C-141B vac at a fair price, I can not remember exactly but it was $50 or $60, so a good find and a good buy.

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Best find and buy: 2 1/72 Hasegawa F-4Gs (Wild Weasel and Egypt 1), paid around 1500 yen ($14) for each without shipping.


I also managed to pick up Tamiya's F-16C/N at a killer price of 2000 yen ($19) without shipping. Even though I already have the 1/72 decals for the Moo Cow Viper and I usually build only one of each scheme, the price was just too good to ignore.

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a really pretty girl at the gas station

How much was she? :monkeydance:/>

Either the Hasegawa 1/72 F-16I for half-off at Hobbytown or the unopened Hasegawa 1/72 F-111D/F for $15.00 at the Seattle Model Show.

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How much was she? :monkeydance:/>/>

Either the Hasegawa 1/72 F-16I for half-off at Hobbytown or the unopened Hasegawa 1/72 F-111D/F for $15.00 at the Seattle Model Show.

Shees, i hope there are no girls around these parts....are there? If so, please excuse my maskulin friend here and his ways.. :lol:

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Well actually, a few hours before new years, a buddy of mine, who was into model building, told me he quit (he liked to have the models, but didn't like building them) and gave me a Revell 1/72 F 14D super tomcat "last flight" FREE. That was a nice gesture.

Edited by streetstream
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Apparently I should start beating DONG out to a few shows (Good finds!)

In 2013 I'd say it was finding a Trumpeter 1/48 Wellington Ic for $40.00 at a local model show in Ajax... so I was 'forced to' buy it even though I already had their Wellington III in the stash at home. rolleyes.gif

Almost but not quite beat my deal in 2012 where I came across a Trumpeter 1/48 RA-5C Vigilante for $25.00 in Hamilton!

Deals like that keep the stash growing - can't resist even if I have the kit already... really I'm trying to cut down.



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Shees, i hope there are no girls around these parts....are there? If so, please excuse my maskulin friend here and his ways.. laugh.gif

Why would girls get offended by Hasegawa F-16Is and F-111D/Fs? dontknow.gif

(Don't worry, my wife beats me regularly... She proclaims it's the only sense I'll ever receive! biggrin.gif)

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Non hobby wise, my teenage son plays the bagpipes and I found a near flawless complete set of Gillanders and Mcleod bagpipes, a semi dress sporran, a

Taylor tartan wool kilt (that fits him), a pair of wool hose and an off brand practice chanter and the guy wanted $100 for everything. I would say the pipes,

kilt and sporran are worth $1000.He bought them on a trip to Scotland and just stuck them in a box in his closet. We replaced the bag, cover, and cords. Gave

everything a good oiling, new hemp, new drone reeds, and it has turned out to be a really nice set of pipes.

Hobby wise, I paid $40 for Hasegawa's 1/72 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet "Centennial" Combo.

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How about a girl I fell for 12 years ago in college and am now dating for 8 months? I know this may have been a joke, but I'm serious. I don't know why a girl like this is with a guy like me, but I am not one to argue. She's sweet, smart and sexy!

Rules, must post pics....

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A copy of "Last Man on the Moon" by Gene Cernan at Half Price books for $6.00. I already have a copy of this autobiography of the Apollo 17 astronaut (a great read BTW), but I had to buy this one as I looked inside and found an authentic Gene Cernan autograph inside. He autographed some copies for the Kansas Cosmosphere book store a few years back. They were about $30 bucks back then and his signature commands bigger money today, so THIS was an incredible stroke of luck.

As for models, I'll have to think about that as I have made a few acquisitions this year.

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