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Best modeling related A-10 book?

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I feel the best book is The Modern Hog Guide by Jake Melampy. I don't know if the book is still available but you can go to this site http://www.reidairpublishing.com and purchase a copy. As a matter of fact, I highly recommend all of Jake's books. Highly highly recommended!

This is the correct answer! :sunrevolves:

Hope it gets put back in to print for you.

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I think the new book only covers c models so the old book will still be relevant.

I'm not sure where you read that or how you inferred it, but that simply isn't the case.

The 2nd Edition will have more coverage of the early, pre-LASTE jets, and it will cover the new mods to the A-10Cs since the first book was published in 2007. In other words, it'll be much more thorough of all A-10s from the early 1980s through right this second. It will have around 1000 full-color images, up from 800 in the first edition.

Unless something changes, I plan to get the 2nd Edition to the printers later this summer. I have already done all of the photography for it and have begun laying out the pages.


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Ah. I just assumed. So basically the second book will make the first obsolete!

No not at all, it will just make the 1st edition the second best Wart-book... :thumbsup:/>

Edited by habu2
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I'm in the process of moving the Reid Air site onto a new server. Once the move is complete, I'll have a mailing list.

In the meantime, the best place to find info is my forum here or on the Reid Air Publications Facebook page.


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