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Could not determine ip address

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Anyway just got my att service worked over. Included new lines to street and in house and a new modem. Well with wifi I cannot access the forums anymore. I can turn wifi off on my phone and access it that way but that's definitely not the way to go in the future.

How do I fix this? I'm not very computer smart anymore. I miss dos.


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Anyway just got my att service worked over. Included new lines to street and in house and a new modem. Well with wifi I cannot access the forums anymore. I can turn wifi off on my phone and access it that way but that's definitely not the way to go in the future.

How do I fix this? I'm not very computer smart anymore. I miss dos.


Big - I've been having the same problem for a couple of weeks. I can get onto the ARC main page but when I try to access the forum, I get a blank page with "Could not determine IP address". Never seen anything like that before. This is only on my home PC, work PC and phone have no issues. For my home PC, I came up with a workaround using a proxy server but it's a PITA. I sent an email to the mod but never got a reply.

All other sites are fine, just ARC forums. Weird...

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It totally has to do with the new site and now apparently the new modem I just got. Not sure if there's a fix but it's been happening to a lot of people. I won't be on here nearly as much if I can't use my wifi at home.

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It could be an ATT thing

I'm having it as well.

This might be related, when i jump on speedtets.net, for some reason it thinks im in Kansas! (I'm in Florida actually)

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It could be an ATT thing

I'm having it as well.

This might be related, when i jump on speedtets.net, for some reason it thinks im in Kansas! (I'm in Florida actually)

I'm on Comcast and have it so it's not an issue with a single ISP.

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So there's no way to fix it?

No clue what the specific problem is, but whatever it is, it's an ARC issue. Your only work-around is to change how you access ARC. For me, it's only seen on my phone over the Verizon LTE network, phone works just fine over WiFi; any other home system works. You seem to have the opposite situation.

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It definitely changed with the new modem we got in our house. Never had an issue before. Guess ill use my computer even less now.

I think something is up with the ARC site, not at our end. I made no changes to my ISP or PC. About the only thing I remember doing was updating Firefox the night before.

If you are in a pinch, go with a proxy server, which is what I ended up doing. It's slightly clunky but it gets you on and you have full functionality.

It would be nice if one of the admins weighed in on this.

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I am getting this almost every time on my iPhone when I'm out away from my wireless network and on Verizon 3G. All I do is hit refresh and it opens the forums up. Never at home on my phone or my laptop.

Rick L.

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I bought a Samsung tablet last week after my laptop crapped out and i have the same problem. I'm using my girlfriends laptop now.

Update: Wierdly i tried it just a second ago and did the same i Always did, and now it works. Strange.

Edited by streetstream
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So I sent Neo a message since he's the resident arc computer guru. I just received a reply that he changed something with the forums and that was when I was able to get in. So anyone else who may have been having problems hopefully you'll be able to get on now.

Neo is the man.

All of the beers to him!

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I was getting the same message when trying to access from home. However, I would still try it every day. Well today, I am able to get on. I could always access it from work, just never had the time...

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