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Desert Storm Tornado

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Can't rationally reason why you would want to torture yourself with a build like this. This kit has to be one of the worst I've ever seen here. With that being said, your corrections are amazing, not to mention your ability to stay focused on the task. Looking forward to seeing it finished and hanging from the ceiling.


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Thanks lol, some days I cant see past the puddle of filler I'm sanding

Can't rationally reason why you would want to torture yourself with a build like this. This kit has to be one of the worst I've ever seen here. With that being said, your corrections are amazing, not to mention your ability to stay focused on the task. Looking forward to seeing it finished and hanging from the ceiling.


Joel I agree with you, but for my reintroduction into the hobby, this and a few others like it I have stashed away, are just for learning and getting the basic skills back down. I have a stack of "oldies" that this one came out of all to be ceiling hangers for my nephew and two cousins that are in the 9 to 11 year old age range.

This kit is true horror,when I tried to build it may years ago,it ended up straight in the trash bin,I could not really be able to finish it.hi2.gif/>

Horror is being generous, lol.

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On another note, I thought I would give you fans of this self abuse I'm indulging in a run down of the specifics.

All assembly has been with Testors liquid cement and Ambroid Pro-weld. The Testors I use for smoothing putty as well as most of the parts assembly. One bottle is straight cement, the other is a mix of the liquid and tube cement. The Ambroid is just for trouble spots like the vertical tail attachment.

Fillers range from Plastruct styrene odds and ends, to Squadron styrene stock, to putty (Tamiya and Squadron white) to three grades of Mr. Surfacer. I've only CA'd two places on each wing and used it no where else.

There isn't going to be anything non-styrene or that didn't come with the model in the build except two figures of British aircrew a member here was kind enough to send me.

All paints used are either Testors little bottle or Model Master enamels. Once I get to the weathering stage I'll decide what I'll use there, but it seems like I'm in a nice DEEP rut of filling and sanding.

More to follow

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Me too I'm tying to sort of reintroduce myself into the hobby,well more correctly I'm just trying to finish something.

After having an health issue time ago, any kit I started in recent years ended up in the trash crying.gifBANGHEAD2.jpg/>



I can understand, I've been a full time college student for the past two years, school, studies, part time work, and school are all I've been able to do, by the time its all said and done most days I wouldn't get time to get to the bench, but this summer, I'm at the bench and getting ready to start a new job, so I'm making the time this summer

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made some progress the last few days. I'm taking the silver paint I used to final check all the seams off in preparation for preshading the fuselage.

The jet exhausts have been painted with MM Metalizer and set aside, the ejection seats are coming a long and the canopy/windscreen assemblys seam work is slowly getting closed up.

I spent the last two days cleaning up my work area and going through all of my paints and giving a good mixing before putting them on the new shelves I picked up earlier this week. Now I can almost find everything lol

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After I got the gap pretty well filled, I used rubber bands to pull the whole section tight and squeeze the softened plastic into place and fill the tiny gaps I didn't want to CA




And here is the shelf I put to use that has given me all my work space back


The canopy assembly is currently set and has putty drying on its frame cover the low and uneven spots from the filling. The seams on the wing shoulders are also finally filled and curing.

More pictures to follow

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I have the distinct feeling that I now know what it means to attempt to polish a turd..........

I got to work on the belly racks last night after I decided I couldn't let them go looking like they do straight from the box. :bandhead2:

I used some .050 sheet stock to make four pallets (2 per rack) using the old Monogram kit as a guide.

Here is the straight from the box belly rack.


And here is the sheet and strip stock I used to make the pallets and their strakes.


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Now don't over judge my scratch building skills lol, this is just my attempt to make the kit look better in my eyes and using the references I have, so be gentle :blink:/>

Heres the other rack that's almost complete




Now I have to track down some British ordnance in 48th scale, anyone know where I can find some or who makes aftermarket British ordnance

Edited by USMC6094
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the pretty lady is my GF, she's in Alabama so the picture is the next best thing, lol

:thumbsup: You dun good :thumbsup:

thanks for the compliment on the gap filling, after I finish this one I'll be pretty close to an expert on seam work

Thats no joke. :bandhead2: I always try to use styrene myself because putty shrinks, or is easy sanded off and I'm right back where I started. tough sledding on this kit though through and through

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cranked up the Badger last night, I laid down a good covering of really thin black paint on the cockpit sills and instrument panel shrouds as well as the fuselage top, bottom, and radome.

I masked the pits with paper towels and Micro-mask and the outside with Tamiya tape




I thinned the paint more than usual and sprayed at about 12 psi making multiple passes until I had a nice even cover

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Now the after


while I was at it I preshaded the radome as well as the upper and lower fuselage



And I decided to skip the belly racks, they are a nightmare and I didn't do them as well as I could've, so she'll be slick except for drop tanks and ecm gear.

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I'm not worried about the black over powering the future coats of paint, I plan on trying a few different things and on using more than one shade of sand/tan/brown before I seal her up for decals.

I also got started on the crew. My final decision on flight suit color was MM Navy blue grey, it just seemed to have the right shade to me.



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Thanks Joel , unfortunately I wont be able to update anything until after the weekend, I'm house/dog sitting and we have a tropical storm or possibly a hurricane on its way, so once this is all past I'll be back to it

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