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Today is a milestone in the construction of the first available plastic model of the 1/32 Lunar Module. I completed the construction of the ascent stage mid-section interior. To be honest when I started this project I didn't know much about 3D modelling and I was not certain the level of precision was compatible with 3D printing. I was successful in modelling the entire LM as far as the outside parts are concerned. For the interior the tiny knobs and switches are really at the limit of what a 3D printer can do today. The mid-section looks very nice at this scale and I am confident that I will manage to design the interior for the forward section. I really expect to complete the design job before the end of the year.


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Thermal covering for the mid-section ascent stage is now complete. It will be time to build the external details like antennas and rendez-vous target before going back to 3D modeling and complete the interior of the forward section. In the mean time I also rearrange my web site for the descent stage section; instead of enumerating the parts needed for the construction of the model I insertEd a picture of the part. See G mission descent stage and J mission descent stage.

Here are a few pictures of the thermal panels covering on the ascent stage:









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  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent update, Vincent! Mind if I ask what material/brand you used for the docking tunnel? Lately I purchased some bare-metal foil for the coffin but I didn't know it was so thin that it just captures all surface irregularities. And the pin-mark rivets all but disappear after burnishing.

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I used adhesive aluminium that is sold in small rolls (about 2" wide I would say). The aluminium paper is quite stiff so the rivets will remain visible. I used it for the tunnel but also all for all aluminium panels. You can find it in DIY shops (at least this is where I found it in France). It looks like the picture below.


I used the same kind of aluminium paper for the coffin on my 1/24 and it worked quite well.




Edited by Lunokhod 2
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  • 3 weeks later...

I just completed the ascent stage mid-section. Now I will concentrate my efforts on the design of the forward section interior. The following pictures show you the work in progress, the forward wall with panels 5 & 6 is well advanced and I expect to complete all parts before the end of this year.

The full construction of the mid-section is available here : http://spacemodels.nuxit.net/1-32%20LM%20AS/Ascent%20stage.htm#Step%202B




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  • 2 months later...

Dear friends

I just completed all parts for my 1/32 Lunar Module in 3 D. All parts are now available on Shapeways and I uploaded today the first instructions on my web site for the forward section interior. It has been a long way since I started in February 2014 almost 2 years ago. I still have a few things to do like the control panel decals but this will be done along the final assembly of the model.

I will now try to design a lunar base for LM-5 with the correct roll, pitch and yaw plus a pole to support the 1/32 CSM and I would like to add some parts to the LRV to have a fully functional one and not just the one at the moment of LRV extraction as it is now. Most of the parts are more or less already done since there are parts of the LRV pallets or the MESA but they need to be adapted somehow (rear pallets are already available).

Note the LM is also available in the 1/24 and 1/16 scales

1/32 LM page : http://spacemodels.nuxit.net/1-32%20LM/index.htm

Shapeways store : https://www.shapeways.com/shops/spacemodels


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  • 1 month later...

I am starting to build the interior of the forward section. This will be the penultimate step before finishing the models with the exterior of the forward section. Here it is in pictures :

Checking if all parts fit properly, that's the case


Main windows assembly


The front wall is inserted inside the forward section structure


Rendezvous window assembly


Roof padding and periscope assembly


16 mm camera and Crewman Optical Alignment Sight (COAS)


Assembly of panels 1, 2, 3 and 4


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