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1/72 AGM-88 HARM

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Need some input. Who makes the most accurate and detailed aftermarket 1/72 AGM-88 HARMs. Cost is no issue. I looked at the ones at Modern Hobbies and they look good. I also have some from the Hasegawa Aircraft Weapon set. So what else is there and which is "best".


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It looks like for 1/72 resin AGM-88 HARMs there are these:

Modern Hobbies - http://www.modern-hobbies.com/shop/native-american-basket-06

The fins look fairly thick

and these:

Arma Hobby (Attack Squadron series" - http://www.armahobby.com/agm-88-harm-2szt.html

I can not find a photo (other than the box) or a review online.

Has anyone seen both and can recommend one as being better than the other? Hopefully Eduard will do some in their Brassin line soon.

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I think I need a third source. The Attack Squadron ones look a bit fiddly while the Modern Hobbies ones look nice. Unfortunately Modern Hobbies has a shipping policy that sucks. Here it is from their web site:

"MH is fortunate enough to offer very reasonable shipping to the USA and International with expected delivery times as little as 4-7 days. Unfortunately local shipping with-in Canada is frustratingly high, over $15.00 from MH to a local town just an hour away. MH has to offset this cost by charging a few dollars more for USA and International in order to provide reasonable shipping for everyone.

Small Packet - International Air

$12.00 International - (All other countries outside USA & Canada) ….Please allow up to 7-10 days for delivery

Small Packet - USA Air

$10.00 USA (All states)…Please allow up to 4-5 days for delivery

Regular Parcel

$10.00 Domestic (Canada only & Nation wide) ……Please allow up to 5-7 days for delivery "

So everyone else must pay more than the actual shipping costs in order to underwrite the extra taxes and fees for Canadian citizens. For USA customers $10 instead of $5 and for Canada customers $10 instead of $15. I do not live in Canada so why should I be punished with the extra charges? I just ordered a $14 item from Hobbylink Japan and shipping was only $5. Sorry MH, no sale. It's too bad because this place has several items that look interesting for 1/72 jet modelers.

Greg Williams, Owner/Manager of Modern Hobbies told me he plans to do a resin cockpit set for the 1/72 Academy F-18C and a 1/72 AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR Pod. Maybe once these are available I will place an order for every thing I want and get it in one shipment to save on costs.

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A missile in two parts like that can be one hell of a headache to build straight.

The trick is to use a slower setting glue. I use a 2-part epoxy, and I do the final adjustments just a the point it starts hardening.

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