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Help with Alclad Paint

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I painted my Aventador tonight with Alclad Black Chrome and this is what happened... I used the Alclad Black Gloss Primer as suggested and it went on fine. Was my pressure too high on my airbrush? I had it turned down to about 10psi? Im using a Grex Airbrush with 2MM needle.



Thanks :bandhead2:/>

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Was the gloss black primer coat thoroughly dry?

I'm assuming you mean a 0.2 mm tip and not a 2mm one. Did you lightly mist on the Alclad? It looks like the Alclad interacted with the primer. Did you shake the Alclad to make sure the components were well mixed?

About your only option now is to strip everything and start over. Been there, done that for various reasons.


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Wondering if the surface prep was well tended to. So many variables go into a perfect alclad application, and a lot of folks are under the pretense that it's just "low pressure, and light mist coats." It starts from the very beginning including clean and polished surfaces. Then comes lightly built up gloss black primer surfaces. Not a dripping wet surface. And lastly, the application of alclad at low pressure and light mist coats. I'm not saying that you fall under this category by any means, there are sometimes when you just get a stubborn product. As for black chrome, you can achieve the same effect using the standard chrome color, but just applying very light layers of it. Hope it works out better for you.

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I swear this looks like something contaminated the color coat.

What did you clean your Airbrush with the time before you sprayed the Alclad II?

Alclad is Very picky about what it is mixed with.

It's a Lacquer and wants to be treated as such.

Unfortunately, and I feel for ya, you are going to have to strip it back down to the plastic, and try again.

Don't give up. Alclad II looks wonderful when it comes out right.


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Thanks everyone for their help, looks like I'll be stripping it and trying again.

I did let the primer dry for 24 hours, but this time ill let it dry for more.

I cleaned my airbrush with testor's lacquer thinner prior to using it.

I'll have to pick up another bottle of the black chrome anyways and ill make sure it's completely shaken up this time.

Thanks again


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I did let the primer dry for 24 hours, but this time ill let it dry for more.


I would let it dry for at least a week, no matter what you use for a primer. Also, when you do paint the Alclad chrome, use misting coats that dry quickly and build up, rather than a real wet coat that is full of solvent that can attack the primer.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

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There is nothing wrong at all with the Alclad II Gloss Black Base. There was a batch that was produced back in about 2010 or 2011 that was made incorrectly. That issue has long since been resolved. That doesn't mean that some of those bottles aren't still out there but any newer bottles won't have the drying issues. I use the stuff all the time with great results.

I had one of the "bad ' bottles and contacted Alclad II. I got the information above straight from the main guy at Alclad II and he sent me a new bottle free of charge.

And even if the Gloss Black Base was still tacky your results wouldn't look the like this:


Thanks :bandhead2:/>/>/>

There is something else wrong here. This looks like some kind of chemical reaction.

Edited by Fly-n-hi
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I'd have to agree with Fly-N-High, there was some reaction, did you do anything to the gloss coat before spraying? Waxing Polishing?

It's either that of again the paint was not mixed well.

I'll also second the Tamiya Gloss Black TS-14, stop beating your head against a wall, just spray it on and then shoot your Alclad, same day even.




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I still say this looks horribly like contamination.

Either something in or on the model, or something in the airbrush.

I don't want to::deadhorse1:/>

But something went wrong. It almost looks like a wax reaction, or water, or wrong cleaner or thinner.

Stick with all Alclad II products, even for a pre-clean on the Airbrush.

I hope it's solvable, because that Aventador is a really nice model.


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I still say this looks horribly like contamination.

Either something in or on the model, or something in the airbrush.

I don't want to::deadhorse1:/>/>/>/>/>

But something went wrong. It almost looks like a wax reaction, or water, or wrong cleaner or thinner.

Stick with all Alclad II products, even for a pre-clean on the Airbrush.

I hope it's solvable, because that Aventador is a really nice model.


Thanks Jester.

Hey Netz/Curt

Seeing your Sig Picture of Elvira Reminds me I need to "bust" out my Elvira Movie for Halloween.

She is so awesome.


That's funny cause every time I see it I get this stuck in my head


Edited by eraucubsfan
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Any news on this? I am pretty curious as to the outcome.



Stripped the paint over the weekend and then applied a new coat of black, this time using the Krylon Black as suggested above. I'm going to make sure it's good a dry before adding the black chrome.

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A thing worth noting is that I discovered that Alclad has a limited shelf life, at least some colors....

I once shot some white aluminium that I had been given by a friend who had had it on a shelf (perhaps exposed to sunlight) for several years and it ended up as a grainy sludge in my paint cup :/ Absolutly unusable!

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