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Nicholas's 2014 Tally

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Here's my year so far! Most of my commission and personal builds, not including master patterns and some super small scale items (which are really "paints" and not "builds"). They aren't in chronological order though. :)/>

Tamiya 1/48 Bf109E-4 built as E-4/N (but I forgot the trop filter)

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/07/21/tamiya-148-bf109e-4n-black-3/


Fujimi 1/48 Bf109K-4

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/148-fujimi-bf109k-4/


Tamiya 1/48 Fw190D-9 Red 3 of JV 44

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/tamiya-148-fw190d-9/


JPG 1/48 (Studio Scale) TIE Bomber

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/05/29/148-jpg-studio-scale-tie-bomber/


JPG 1/2256 Dreadnaught

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/05/29/12256-jpg-dreadnaught-2/


JPG 1/350 Y-Wing Trench Run

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/05/21/1350-y-wing-trench-run/


Tamiya 1/72 Fw190A-3 Nowotny's winter bird

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/172-tamiya-fw190a-4-walter-nowotnys-winter-bird/


Tamiya 1/48 Fw190D-9 What-if Red Baron

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/148-tamiya-fw190d-9-red-baron/


JPG 1/350 Consular-class Cruiser

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/05/15/radiant-vii/


Bad-Azz 1/9600 Battlestar Galactica

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/03/10/19600-bad-azz-models-battlestar-galactica/


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JPG 1/4222 Imperial Venator

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/03/01/14222-jpg-imperial-venator/


Trumpeter 1/144 Su-27 Flanker #1

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2013/12/09/1144-trumpeter-su-27-flanker-b/


Trumpeter 1/144 Su-27 Flanker #2

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/02/27/1144-trumpeter-su-27-flanker/


Fine Molds 1/72 TIE Interceptor of the 181st

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/02/21/172-fine-molds-tie-interceptor-181st/


Cosmos Models 1/2256 Tartan Cruiser built as a Reaver ship

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/02/09/12256-cosmos-models-tartan-cruiser-reaver/


JPG 1/2256 Flurry Carrier

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/04/11/12256-jpg-flurry-carrier/


(unknown) 1/72 MaK Armored Raider

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/172-maschinen-krieger-falke-armored-raider/


Polar Lights 1/2500 USS Enterprise Refit

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/12500-polar-lights-uss-enterprise-refit/


Polar Lights 1/2500 USS Reliant

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/12500-polar-lights-uss-reliant/


Polar Lights 1/2500 Klingon K'Tinga

full gallery: https://cosmosmodels.wordpress.com/2014/09/15/12500-polar-lights-klingon-ktinga-battlecruiser/


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Thanks Janne! My heart is definitely sci-fi! But come June 10 I'm going to be all out of building time for 18 years :D/> But I'll be training a new modeler!!

Congrats! :D

LoL you'll have plenty building time, I have two small girls and they don't hamper my build time much. However a lockable door to the hobby room is helpful.I also changed all my paints to non smelly acrylics and got myself a sil air compressor that's eerily silent.

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thanks CJ! the year was actually more productive than those, too. i did a handful of smaller vessels as well as completed a couple different master patterns for star wars models. :D/> here's my FULL list with timeline

scale name qty finished date

1/144 Rafale M 1 1/5/2014

1/144 F-117A 1 1/7/2014

1/2256 Lancer Frigate 1 1/7/2014

1/48 Bf109K-4 1 1/18/2014

1/144 PAK FA T-50 1 1/21/2014

1/4222 Flurry MASTER 1 2/1/2014

1/48 Spitfire IXc 1 2/7/2014

1/2256 Tartan 1 2/8/2014

1/72 TIE Interceptor 1 2/21/2014

1/144 Su-27 1 2/27/2014

1/4222 Lancer Frigate 2 2/28/2014

1/4222 Venator 1 3/1/2014

1/4222 Gunship 2 3/1/2014

1/4222 Assassin 1 3/1/2014

1/4222 Tartan 3 3/1/2014

1/2256 Assassin 2 3/1/2014

1/2256 Gunship 2 3/1/2014

1/9600 BSG 1 3/10/2014

1/1000 Lambda 2 3/10/2014

1/4222 Imperial Escort Carrier 1 3/10/2014

1/350 BSG Fighters 4 3/10/2014

1/1000 GR-75 MASTER 1 3/10/2014

1/1000 YT-2000 MASTER 1 3/10/2014

1/1000 YT-2400 MASTER 1 3/10/2014

1/1000 Fury-class Starfighter 3 3/16/2014

1/4222 Carrack Cruiser 2 3/21/2014

1/4222 IPV-1 2 3/21/2014

1/2256 IPV-1 1 3/21/2014

1/4222 Galleaon Star Frigate 1 3/21/2014

1/2256 Gunship 2 3/22/2014

1/4222 Gunship 4 3/22/2014

1/2256 Skipray 3 3/22/2014

1/6 Gonk foot MASTER 1 3/29/2014

1/2256 Flurry 1 4/11/2014

1/350 Fury-class Starfighter 2 4/21/2014

1/72 Fw190A-4 1 5/2/2014

1/72 Starbug MASTER 1 5/9/2014

1/48 Fw190D-9 Red Baron 1 5/12/2014

1/2256 Bulk Freighter 1 5/12/2014

1/10000 Tartan 2 5/12/2014

1/2256 Gozanti 2 5/12/2014

1/2256 Stormtrooper Shuttle 2 5/12/2014

1/2256 YT-1300 1 5/12/2014

1/2256 YT-2000 1 5/12/2014

1/4222 GR-75 2 5/12/2014

1/4222 Marauder 1 5/12/2014

1/4222 Bulk Freighter 1 5/12/2014

1/350 Radiant VII 1 5/15/2014

1/350 Y-Wing 6 5/17/2014

1/350 MV-22 Osprey 2 5/25/2014

1/100 F-117 Egghawk 1 5/25/2014

1/48 TIE Bomber 1 5/28/2014

1/144 Howlrunner MASTER 1 6/14/2014

1/48 Fw190D-9 Red 3 1 6/14/2014

1/2256 Blockade Runner 1 6/14/2014

1/2256 GR-75 1 6/14/2014

1/1000 Skipray MASTER 2 6/19/2014

1/350 Viper Mk VII 2 6/21/2014

1/350 Raptor 1 6/21/2014

1/72 Howlrunner MASTER 1 7/6/2014

1/350 Viper Mk II 1 7/10/2014

1/48 Bf109E-4/n 1 7/18/2014

1/72 MaK Falke 1 7/24/2014

1/4222 Victory-II Frigate MASTER 1 9/4/2014

1/2500 USS Enterprise 1 9/8/2014

1/2500 USS Reliant 1 9/8/2014

1/2500 K’Tinga 1 9/14/2014

1/35 Comfort Station 1 10/7/2014

1/12 Comfort Station interior 1 10/17/2014

1/4222 MC-30 Frigate 2 10/17/2014

1/2256 CR-90 1 10/17/2014

1/2256 CR-70 1 10/17/2014

1/2256 MC-30 Frigate MASTER 1 10/17/2014

1/12 Comfort Station bed 1 10/22/2014

1/200 Sa-43 Hammerhead 1 10/27/2014

1/350 TIE Fighter 4 10/27/2014

1/1000 Klingon Bird of Prey 1 10/28/2014

1/350 Gozanti Cruiser 1 11/5/2014

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What a truly outstanding collection of builds for one year. I'm lucky to finish 5 models. I have no idea of how you can accomplish that even if you're a full time professional. As for having a new born, I went through the same deal as Janne with other hobbies and found the time. It was always done after our son went to bed for the night. Even without having a modeling room, it's doable. When we lived in an apartment, I kept all my paints, tools, etc, in small tackle boxes, and worked on the dining room table. Where there's a will, there's a way.


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