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I just picked up a bottle last week here: Piper Hobby, Chantilly VA (703) 803-3103.

There were about 3 or 4 bottles on the shelf. Not sure if they do mail order but they're good guys in there, I'm sure they'll help you out.

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Train Liquidators is showing that they still have product in stock. The assumption is that they do mail order because I was able to put at least four of the bottles in my online shopping cart. I found them by doing a Google search. Let me know if everything is true. Cheers!

Best Regards,

Ken Bailey


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Train Liquidators is showing that they still have product in stock. The assumption is that they do mail order because I was able to put at least four of the bottles in my online shopping cart. I found them by doing a Google search. Let me know if everything is true. Cheers!

Best Regards,

Ken Bailey


Hi Ken, I went straight to the site but 'Old Silver' is sold out. I've been scouring the Net searching without success.

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Try looking for Tru-Colors on the internet. This is a line that is almost an exact copy of the Floquil line. They may have what you need. This is how I replaced Floquil's Engine Black.


Hi guys, I'm looking for a bottle (or more) of Floquil 'Old Silver' for an important project. If anyone has a spare bottle(or could advise me where to get one) I'd be very grateful and happy to pay your asking price within reason.

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