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Eduard's 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk.IX

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Looking great Joel!! what kind of weathering are thinking? I love your weathering technique cause it looks just enough to make it real and not dirty!


Thanks for stopping by and liking my decaling effort. Still have the whole bottom to go.

As for weathering, I'm going to go with a little post shading by using lighter shades of the base colors to give that faded look to the center of panels and areas, a pin wash for recessed panel lines with a mixture that is just a little darker then the surface color, except for the flying surfaces which will be black. Going to try to use the same rivet highlighting I used on the F-15C. Well, at least that's the plan.


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Hey Joel, the topside markings look great using the method you describe. I haven't ever used Solvaset. Is that solution "hotter" than the Microsol? I may have to try some. Your method really looks clean and I want that "painted on" look too when I get there. Really looking the part now.


Thank you for liking my decaling efforts.

Walthers Solvaset is hotter then Microscale's Sol. I've used the Micro system for more then 40 years, and have always struggled with decals that needed to really contour to a surface, and many times kit decals just wouldn't sink into all the little nooks and crannies. Solvaset has made short work of that. The method I now use is a modified version of Paul Budzik's, who has a whole video on decaling. As I said, I now treat Set as just a wetting agent, Sol as a softening agent, and Solvaset as the setting agent. I've also found that you can safely rub or roll the decals once the wrinkling is almost gone, so that you can really get them to settle down into those little cracks.


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Fine work with the decals, Joel, they really do look painted-on.


Thanks so much for those most kind words. More then anything, it's the fantastic Cartograf decals that makes that look possible.


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Thank you for liking my decaling efforts.

Walthers Solvaset is hotter then Microscale's Sol. I've used the Micro system for more then 40 years, and have always struggled with decals that needed to really contour to a surface, and many times kit decals just wouldn't sink into all the little nooks and crannies. Solvaset has made short work of that. The method I now use is a modified version of Paul Budzik's, who has a whole video on decaling. As I said, I now treat Set as just a wetting agent, Sol as a softening agent, and Solvaset as the setting agent. I've also found that you can safely rub or roll the decals once the wrinkling is almost gone, so that you can really get them to settle down into those little cracks.


Thank you for the tips Joel. I will have to try your method. I think I have some "throw down" decals somewhere to try this method on. Learning all the time!!!


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Thank you for the tips Joel. I will have to try your method. I think I have some "throw down" decals somewhere to try this method on. Learning all the time!!!



Checkout Paul's video. It's worth the 10 min.


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Great job Joel :thumbsup: ! The markings really make your Spitfire come to life. You are on the homestretch.



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Well, it's hard to believe, but I've finally finished the Spitfire Mk.IXc. Yep, I've actually crossed the finish line. And all it took was not one but two complete paint schemes, with a full stripping in between them. There was a time when I thought that the Spit was headed for my shelf of Doom, but it wasn't to be.

Actually, the Spitfire technically isn't quite complete. I somehow managed to knock off the gun sight when I was masking the cockpit. I found it on the seat when I removed the masking. Try as I might, I can't get it back into the correct position until I get a longer, thinner, and curved pair of Tweezers that I'll be ordering from Sprue Brothers shortly.

I've also decided to apply the bare minimum amount of weathering, which is exactly the opposite of my original plan. The Spit, just looks better this way.

To all of you who've stayed the course, thanks, and I hope it was an enjoyable build for all of you.












End of part one

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It looks beautiful Joel! Well done.


P.S. The decal video was very informative. I will have to practice that technique and hopefully be able to use it when I get to my own decaling. Thanks for sharing that.

Edited by taggor
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Kahunaminor, Nicholas, Shaka Hi, Mark, Navy Phantoms, & John,

Thanks so much for all your more then kind words. Not to mention your most positive comments throughout the build. It meant a lot to me to know that you guys were always there, encouraging me to continue and make it to the finish line with a effort that I'm proud of.

My next build, the Czech 1/32 scale F2A-3 Buffalo is going to be a real challenge. I'm certainly looking forward to having you guys along with me.


Edited by Joel_W
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Kahunaminor, Nicholas, Shaka Hi, Mark, Navy Phantoms, & John,

Thanks so much for all your more then kind words. Not to mention your most positive comments throughout the build. It meant a lot to me to know that you guys were always there, encouraging me to continue and make it to the finish line with a effort that I'm proud of.

My next build, the Czech 1/32 scale F2A-3 Buffalo is going to be a real challenge. I'm certainly looking forward to having you guys along with me.


Absolutely Joel! That's what makes ARC a great place to be,.... to share our works..... triumphs and mistakes (Speaking strickly for myself, of course. Or in my case, lack of interesting progress!) Haha. :woot.gif: Looking forward to the Buffalo!


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Absolutely Joel! That's what makes ARC a great place to be,.... to share our works..... triumphs and mistakes (Speaking strickly for myself, of course. Or in my case, lack of interesting progress!) Haha. :woot.gif:/> Looking forward to the Buffalo!



I beg to differ. Your A-10 build is simply outstanding, interesting to follow, educational in terms of modeling skills and techniques, and your level of modeling is certainly in the upper percentages of modelers here on ARC.


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Hi Joel,

I think you were right with keeping weathering to a minimum. Looks great that way! And hats off for pulling through the repainting!!



Thanks. Glad you feel the same way about the weathering as I do.


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Joel, another winner buddy. I'll be excited to watch your 1/32 build.


Thanks so much for appreciating my efforts on the Spit. For a while there it sure didn't look like it was going to turn out this way. Glad that you're going to be with me on my 1st ever 1/32 build, that's also just happens to be a multi media kit that's been around for a while. Should be quite a learning experience for me.


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I beg to differ. Your A-10 build is simply outstanding, interesting to follow, educational in terms of modeling skills and techniques, and your level of modeling is certainly in the upper percentages of modelers here on ARC.


Hey Joel! Sorry I should have been more specific in that my current work is not so interesting as I am doing seam clean up and rescribing. I didnt mean to seem as if I was "fishing" for praise. I think I was just trying to poke fun at myself as that tedious drudgery is not always post worthy. I forget that my humor doesnt always translate well in my posts. Anyway....... thanks my friend, and my appologies to you and all who may have misunderstood my post. Now....back to your awesome Spitfire!

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What a beauty Joel! Top notch looking Spit. Crisp camouflage, tidy build, sharp looking markings, tasteful weathering. A winner for sure in my books. Good luck with your first 1/32 build. I am currently working on my first 1/32 build...and its a biggie in the Revell F-4G!!!

Again, well done Sir!



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