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thanks Elmo, for me the hardest and boring part is building the model, all that filling and sanding makes me crazy, for me the easiest part is painting, and of course the magic touch in a model in the paint itself, without a good dress to wear it will look like a toy and not as a scale model



Well said.

For me it's all about the final overall presentation. The difference is that I'm average at best, while you're a true master with an air brush.


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thanks Elmo, for me the hardest and boring part is building the model, all that filling and sanding makes me crazy, for me the easiest part is painting, and of course the magic touch in a model in the paint itself, without a good dress to wear it will look like a toy and not as a scale model



Well said.

For me it's all about the final overall presentation. The difference is that I'm average at best, while you're a true master with an air brush.


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Joel, i feel flattered with your words, but to be honest i consider myself an average modeler or airbrush user, besides been around airplanes for 30 year now due to my profession or best to be called, PASSION, i try to model after the real look of the airplanes out in the wild, and not looking the airplane models as art, so i stick with the old fashion way to weather them as in real life.

Nicholas, congrats, becoming a parent is the most wonderful thing in life, it happened to me for the first time 20 years ago, and the ugly truth of being a parent is that when we were kids, we all have something to complain about our parents, so all that will come back to us the opposite way, now we will be in our parents shoes. enjoy your child every single day because they only will be little kids once and we cant go back in time if we miss a day


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i'm back again, just a little progress, the fuselage is paneled and slightly weathered and the wings as well as the elevators and rudder in place, starting to look like a corsair, the insignias and the BuN are painted, didn't like the decals, to thick and won't let the rivet under them to be seen, so i painted them







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Wow Jorge, if I could paint like you, I'd do mine in that paint scheme! If I tried it, there would be too much contrast between the NS Sea Blue and Intermediate Blue. Yours is perfect to my eye. Well done on the insignia too!



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I've just reviewed this amazing thread- and am overwhelmed! I can only echo what has been said by others- this is modeling at it's finest. Thanks for reminding me about the fabric panels on the wings- you do have a deft touch when it comes to color, my friend- cheers!

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Well done my friend. Your painting and weathering just continues to reach new heights. Honestly, it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between a real Corsair and your model. It's just that good.


Edited by Joel_W
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FINAL UPDATE, this baby is growing fast, after 3 months is standing on his own two feet, flaps are on, so what is left is to attach the engine and cowlings and some minor details like exhaust pipes ends and some minor paint touch ups and some paneling fixing, so here are the last pictures, next time you see this baby will be in the ready forum.










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Absolutely gorgeous!! It looks as real as one can expect without going too far. Your work is certainly world class.

I've been with you since post one, and will be checking the Display Case forum daily for your presentation. I've studied your weathering philosophy and execution for WW11 aircraft, as it translates so well to what I'd like to achieve with the Buffalo. Thank you my friend.


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