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Brief tutorial on Phantom data stencils?

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Pheeling a phlurry of Phantom phacination. Can someone explain what color stencils go on what color aircraft? For instance, I see sheets of gray data, black data, and white data (with various colors mixed in on hazardous things. Is white always on the top and black on the bottom of SEA camo jets? Is gray data used on the various later ghost gray paint jobs? What about on ADC gray AF jets? Thanks.

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There are two words I'm always sure never to use: "never" and "always".

There is no single answer to any of your questions. It depends if you're talking about factory applied stenicls, depot applied stencils, what specific airplane you're talking about, what time period, and the phase of the moon. The only way to know for sure is to look at photos of the subject matter you're trying to replicate. With over 5000 built, and in service with dozens of air arms over a 50+ year span, the only thing you can say for sure is that you can't say anything for sure.

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Jennings nailed it on the head.

For instance USAF F-4's in Vietnam had a plethora of stencil configurations at different times.

In 72 there was everything from E's covered with white stencils to almost none on some aircraft.

As he said find a photograph of your target then use that as like most things in aviation the rules are meant to be broken..and usually where.

F-4's are a minefield of non standard configurations enjoy the research.

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OK, Thanks. I figured there would have to be something obvious for the gray stencils - like always or never on the ADC gray Phantoms in Vietnam, or the late S models or the 131st F-4E planes. On the bright side, I guess I can put anything I want on any plane and I can't be called out for it. Had to be on SOME plane, right?

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There were no ADC Gray (16473) Phantoms in Vietnam. Prior to the implementation of SEA camouflage starting in 1965, USAF Phantoms were delivered (with full black factory applied stencil data in Futura Bold font) in the USN scheme of FS 16440 Light Gull Gray over gloss white. Overall ADC Gray Phantoms were a much later phenomenon.

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There are two words I'm always sure never to use: "never" and "always".

There is no single answer to any of your questions. It depends if you're talking about factory applied stenicls, depot applied stencils, what specific airplane you're talking about, what time period, and the phase of the moon. The only way to know for sure is to look at photos of the subject matter you're trying to replicate. With over 5000 built, and in service with dozens of air arms over a 50+ year span, the only thing you can say for sure is that you can't say anything for sure.

Haha...that's hilarious.

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