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Ok...I'm getting my @#@%$ whipped trying to figure out the color of the AIM-9L/M Guidance Control Group (GCG). The GCG is the darker area closer to the nose. Here's a link to what I mean. (LINKY) Anybody have ANY idea what color I could use to make this thing accurate?



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Having looked at a bunch of live AIM-9L's, like everything else, the answer is, "it depdends" :)

In bright sunshine, from a close distance, it's a very slightly metallic dark grey with a distinct olive greenish cast. From a distance, it just looks dark grey.

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Having looked at a bunch of live AIM-9L's, like everything else, the answer is, "it depdends" :)/>

In bright sunshine, from a close distance, it's a very slightly metallic dark grey with a distinct olive greenish cast. From a distance, it just looks dark grey.

Yep...same issue I'm running into. I just can't tell. I guess it's just one of those situations where you...like Spock...use "best guess". I like definite though....


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... it's a very slightly metallic dark grey with a distinct olive greenish cast.

Not really. Some had the olive tint, some didn't. It didn't seem to matter whether it was a CATM or live missile, and age/weathering seemed to have no bearing on it. The base color was a close match to the graphite you see in a wooden pencil, go from there and add some olive tint (or not) as you feel is appropriate.



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Not really. Some had the olive tint, some didn't. It didn't seem to matter whether it was a CATM or live missile, and age/weathering seemed to have no bearing on it. The base color was a close match to the graphite you see in a wooden pencil, go from there and add some olive tint (or not) as you feel is appropriate.



Awesome! Thanks

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It's an anodized green, as with anything they will vary depending on the process, a Club member of mine has been on the Sidewinder program for inception, he brought in 3 seeker head bodies and they were all different, but they were green.

The control fins are unpainted/raw metal, a dark grey.


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I use MM US Army Helo Green mixed with MM Oiled Steel. I like it. Vary the proportions and you can get almost any shade you see in pictures. A dab of silver for the bezel around the seeker head's dome and gloss aircraft gray for the lens itself and I believe it looks the part.

For the fins, I use the same Oiled Steel and then overcoat it with several coats of Tamiya Smoke to give it the look of the varnish or whatever is on the real ones. I used to be a weapons loader on F-16s so I have seen a bunch of the real deal up close.

Edited by Grey Ghost 531
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I've probably preflighted over 1,000 9-Mikes. Some had the green tint, some didn't. Judge for yourself from the attached pictures, and you'll notice the difference in shades on the Turkish AIM-9s. The top one has an olive tint, the bottom one doesn't.






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I've probably preflighted over 1,000 9-Mikes

You heard it from the source everyone! Don't knock the 'winder unless you have done what this warrior has done... 'winder be like... Flanker, im gonna eat you for breakfast, crap you out, and come back for more!

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You heard it from the source everyone! Don't knock the 'winder unless you have done what this warrior has done... 'winder be like... Flanker, im gonna eat you for breakfast, crap you out, and come back for more!

Of course it pales in comparison to the 30mm BBRRRRTTTTZZZ!!!


Please try and keep up with the cross-thread references. Your cooperation is appreciated.



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I've probably preflighted over 1,000 9-Mikes. Some had the green tint, some didn't. Judge for yourself from the attached pictures, and you'll notice the difference in shades on the Turkish AIM-9s. The top one has an olive tint, the bottom one doesn't.



You guys are amazing. Thanks! I think it's pretty much "ball park" silver base...some grey...some green...and make it look as anodized as possible. Hmmm...not in my skill set....yet.

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This might help, which I used on my A-10 build. Other than the Light Ghost Grey, all colors are Alclad. Ignore the arrow under Stainless Steel to the collar, which should be Duraluminum.




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