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Gunze Aqueous Paints

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This is my absolute favorite paint. The color selection is very good. When used and thinned correctly I have never had an issue. I do have 2 questions about it. (1) There is a lot of speculation why they do not market here in the US but also have a limited availability in other markets. What is the real reason why they dropped the US market? (2) I have procured Gunze from BNA(?) in Australia but their shipping fees are frightening and no UPS/FedX service. Does anyone know of other vendors for Gunze paint?

When you find a product that works for you, you should stick with it. This is one of those products for me.

P.S. Clarification point: I am addressing the Aqueous Hobby Color from Gunze. It can be thinned with alcohol. I have no experience with the Mr.Hobby Color that is solvent based as I prefer not to deal with solvents.

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I too love the Aqueous line but as to why they aren't accessible here in the U.S. I too would like to know. Regarding #2, Lucky Model sells them too. The only issue is that they no longer ship them via air. They now are shipped using the slow boat from Hong Kong (which it could take up to 6 months according to them). The last shipment of Gunze paints using Lucky Model and shipped via surface took almost 3 months to arrive at my doorstep. Some of the jars didn't make it though. They were completely dried out with some weird liquid pouring out of them.


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As far as I understood, Gunze aqueous colors have been flagged as hazardous air shipment. Flammable I would assume.

All retailers I know outside the USA (Asia or else) are only shipping them by surface mail (boat) since a pretty long time.

That is to my despair as well as I mainly use Gunze paints for airbrushing.

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and no UPS/FedX service.

Explosion hazard. Basically, any solvent based paint is prohibited from going on an aircraft, unless it is properly secured in a dangerous goods container, per ICAO. Unless a shipper can guarantee that it will never go on an airplane, they won't (aren't supposed to) ship it and there are unpleasant consequences for retailers who try to violate the rules - not least, having to eat the cost of any shipments that get dumped if they're caught.

So specifically, if you find a place that will air mail paint, they're doing it because they're breaking the rules (albeit a very stupid, annoying rule) and hoping they don't get caught. Some small vendors will try to push their luck - eBay sellers and the like - but as x-raying all mail becomes standard, those days are numbered. :(

You can ship paint via FedEx ground, or USPS ground. You can ship from China via surface. But if there's a chance it might touch an airplane, you're screwed.

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I bought Gunze paints from Hobbyeasy.com. They arrived in five weeks by surface. Luckymodel too ships them by surface.

I like Gunze paints more than Tamiya. Their finish is smooth and they have a big range of colors. Gunze is always my preference.

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The air thing makes no sense considering you can get Mr Color and Tamiya here, which are equally "exploadable," but I'm not saying that isn't the case because we all know government regulations always make sense. :rolleyes:

Years ago I specifically remember Mr. Hobby and Tamiya paints disappearing off the LHS shelf. At the time the owner said it was a labeling issue...that the Mr. Hobby labels didn't meet US standards (nor did Tamiya at the time). Tamiya started to re-appear after a while, and again I was told it was because they complied. My assumption is that Gunze didn't. Again, this is just what I was told, and I have no confirmation.

I have sponsorship through Albion Hobbies, and they supply me with Mr. Hobby, and I'm very happy to have easy access to it again. It's a spectacular paint for sure.

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I loved the Gunze Aqueous Paints and they were all I used until they started becoming extinct in LHS and cost prohibitive and time consuming to get via the mail. I would love them to make a comeback and become as easy to get as Tamiya and other brands. Dare to dream I suppose...


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I get them from sealmodels, no longer than 5 weeks surface shipping, they are $1.60 a bottle. I have a $75.00 order on the way and I keep the rack full.

That is where I get mine from Seal Model as well. Here's a link to the start of the Mr. Hobby color line:




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I get them from sealmodels, no longer than 5 weeks surface shipping, they are $1.60 a bottle. I have a $75.00 order on the way and I keep the rack full.

+1. They always pack them very well also. I have a bunch on the way also. It usually takes 6 weeks for me to receive them.


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Thanks for the tip on Sealmodel. I'll give them a try. They don't seem to have any of the greys for U.S. aircraft at the moment though.


Check out the $13.00 Tamiya kits too, they always have deals. They used to be known as Eric YY.

As mentioned, they package them well.

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