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Been waiting to start this kit for years !


Box is packed with sprues, PE, Decals, magnets, masks....top notch quality.


Surface detail looks fantastic


I bought the Aces of the Empire decal set in 1/32. While I'd like to try the Mk. VII - number 2 above - scheme that mixes PRU underside with D-Day invasion stripes and grey/green day fighter, I'd hate to lose being able to look inside with the sealed up VII door....

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Cockpit parts are preshaded.


Been a bit slow off of the blocks due to hectic work schedule and airbrush failure. Went to the graphics supply store today so should be up and running this evening.

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On a bit of a stay-cation so getting extra time in on modeling.

Added some future to cockpit parts and banged out some detail painting. Especially happy with the metal bands on the oxygen bottles.


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Thanks Martin.

Cockpit is just about ready to go together (just dry-fitted in the pics). I'm thinking this will be a "factory fresh" build but nevertheless I'll do a oil wash to bring out some shadows before I assemble.


Got the PE harness painted so next up will be picking out details and installing


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Shame to hide all that awesome detail but next step is closing up the fuselage:


Just completed the first step that includes ploy-caps which allows the final model to be flexibly displayed. Really speaks to the top-notch engineering that Tamiya built into this kit.


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It's time to cross the wing root hurdle.

These are just dry fit pictures but I can say that hands down this kit is the best fit of any Spitfire at any scale that I've done. I've built them in 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32 and done Airfix, Academy, Tamiya, Hasegawa, ICM, Hobbyboss, and Eduard.

Look at that wing root join !


No rubber bands or weights or clamps


Even the underside join (which can be treacherous) is bang on (sorry - little out of focus)


Love this kit. Yes it's pricey but wow, the quality just shines through.

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Some subassembly construction before painting


In the spray booth


Building the parts up


With a little detail painting and future for gloss


Starting to look like a Merlin

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been banging out some of the smaller detail parts:


Time for overall painting. Not unlike the Eduard kit, if you follow the instructions you need to mask the exhaust stacks during the overall painting. As such I decided to only install the engine temporarily so that I could leave off the exhausts. To hold the cowling on I just stuffed some Uhu-tac (or blue tac to some) in the front.


For this build I'll be trying something new to me. Rather than the classic and much debated preshade I've primed in all black and will go with more of post-shading and mottling.







Yeah. Kind looks like the original gray of the plastic but it is RAF light sea grey. So glad that Tamiya came out with the exact colors in coordination with the release of this kit. Now if they would just make a proper RAF cockpit green....

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Started in on the upper side camo


I've taken to freehanding the first color and then going section by section for the final dark color.


Good first step. The cowlings will be a trick though


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