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New Decals - 1/32 O-1 Bird Dogs in Vietnam (Parts 1 & 2)

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The previously released 1/48 and 1/72 O-1 sheet has been expanded (3 new VNAF schemes), corrected, improved now for the new 1/32 Roden kit. This time they'll be printed by Cartograf.

32-019 covers US Army and USAF (includes both blue and black USAF markings)
32-020 covers mainly VNAF with a few more US Army plus USMC

$18 each (free shipping in US)
Now available (Dec 28)

(Click images for larger views)
32019.jpg 32019b.jpg


Edited by ziggyfoos
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Nice! I was not aware of this kit 1/32 untill I read your post. AOA decals are great.


One question I would like to ask, why are there black USAF stencils included? Was this used beside Insignia Blue as people told me Black was not correct.


I do not doubt you but would like to know why?

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On ‎12‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 2:21 AM, cag_200 said:

One question I would like to ask, why are there black USAF stencils included? Was this used beside Insignia Blue as people told me Black was not correct.


Really as just an option. No way can I can say 100%  for sure that all of them were in fact blue. The style (and size) varied so possible some were also in black.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet.  It was a bit of a tough choice for me to decide which sheet to order... I made up my mind and just placed my order!


Thanks for the O-1 decals.  I really need to get cracking on this one soon.



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