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Best 1/72 F-16CJ

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Hi all,

I saw my first ever F-16 display on Saturday, 91-0422 of the 13th FS:



So, for the first time in my life, I find myself wanting to build an F-16 model. I see Tamiya did one in 13th FS markings (60788 - F-16CJ Block 50 Fighting Falcon w/ Full Equipment) - would that be the best option? Does anyone do markings for them by any chance?

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The Tamiya kit is THE BEST F-16CJ in 1/72 scale.  Can't go wrong with it. See my mini-review with pictures here:


This one is actually the earlier boxing without the "Full Equipment" but is still essentially the same boxing as the one that you mentioned ( w/Full Equipment). No other 1/72 F-16CJ comes close.


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eBay some times have them for cheap. I got one with out full equipment for around $23 usd. As for decals no one makes them for a line jet assinged to the 13th FS.  I have seen and have decals for the 35 FW boss jet they are also in the kit with no equipment but they are not the best.  Maybe see if you can find someone who has spares from the academy kit for the 35 FW boss bird?  That would be your best bet I think. 

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Zac, the Tamiya kit with no weapons is almost the same price as the one with the full equipment so it might be a better option to get the later... The first kit doesn't even include the pylons, just think of the extra stuff in the spares box just for a few dollars difference... besides, they're always useful for a whiffer... ;)



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On 3/6/2017 at 6:23 AM, K5054NZ said:

Zen, you know me so well ;-)


Thanks achterkirch, I'll head over now for a look.


Takes a whiffer to know another one, right? :beer4:


On 3/7/2017 at 6:46 PM, jefropas said:

The first kit actually has gas bag pylons, but that's it...




Yup, you're right, Jeff, i forgot those. :thumbsup:

I guess Tamiya rushed it a bit with that first edition, especially when they already had the 1/48 kit, exactly as the second 1/72 edition came out, even the box is the same, just smaller... when it finally came out, i had to buy 2 kits in both scales and i've also been considering buying the 1/32 kit... :rolleyes:

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Well, i just had a better look at the first kit, and i admit i was forgetting a few other details so i want to take back what i said and make the correction...

The first edition of the Tamiya 1/72 F-16CJ Block 50 does have 2 pairs of Aim-120C and 2 pairs of Sidewinders, one of the L/M version and the other pair is the X version, but you can only use one of the 3 pairs of missiles on the wingtip stations as there are no pylons for stations 2,3,5(L and R),7 and 8. No external tanks, targeting pods or HARM missiles... Well, after that, i have to admit that, if you're not that interested in what's not in that kit, the price difference might be worth it, i guess it all depends on that, right?

Hope i cleared my mistake, sorry, folks...:rolleyes:

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3 hours ago, jefropas said:

I just use leftover parts from my Revell F-16's to supplement the lacking Tamiya kit. I have yet to buy the fully loaded version...



I did this with the first one I made. Then I bought the fully loaded version. Tanks and pylons are so much nicer than the revell version but if your on a budget they work nicely!

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I've built 3 of the Revell F-16MLU kits, still have 1 MLU, 2 B and 2 C kits in the stash... and those are just the Revell ones... too bad the Academy F-16s have some shape issues on the intake and nose, detail is a bit better than the Revell kits and price is very reasonable.

Hasegawa's CJ kit is also good but it's showing it's age and it's no match for the Tamiya kit.

I also think the Kinetic kits are a good deal, lots of weapons, CFTs, electronics spine... At the present time, no other 1/72 kit has so much stuff in the box, but these are only for twin seat versions and detail is worse the Tamiya kits.

If only Tamiya would take the excellent kit they make and bring out the only variants not in the Market right now in 1/72 scale, the F-16E/F Block 60 variants...:rolleyes:

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