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Looking for 1/48 Revell of Germany F-105G spare parts

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Good morning everyone,


I need a big help from anyone here who could help because the parts I needed is no longer available.


As the title indicates I have a Revell of Germany 1/48 F-105 "Wild Weasel" started however all of the parts, except for the two halves of the fuselage, the two halves of the main wing each, and both horizontal tail fins, were all gone: They were lost during cleanup when I was hospitalized recently.


After flipping my garage upside down for any chance of finding the missing parts I decided to contact Revell/Revell Germany customer support however according to the latter company the exact kit was discontinued so I tried requesting spares from the former company for its single seat relative - F-105D Thunderstick II, but they sent me an email this morning stating that the reason this kit was also discontinued was because of poor sales. :( 


I don't feel like tossing away the leftover kit and I don't want to assemble a hollow model; I wanted to finish it but I can't without any parts.


Can anyone help? Thank you in advance.




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On 2017/5/3 at 1:25 PM, Niels said:

Sounds like you're missing just about everything going by the looks of the sprues here https://www.cybermodeler.com/hobby/kits/rm/kit_rm_6868.shtml?

I would suggest buying a new on Ebay; http://www.ebay.com/itm/Revell-F-105F-G-Thunderchief-Model-Kit-1-48-/382066092229?hash=item58f4e9e8c5:g:CIAAAOSw-3FZBe9b




Too late: Its already sold. Guess I'll have to keep searching.


Thanks for your help though Niels.

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