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Welcome to the Canada 150 Group build.


 For anyone interested in joining, some of the rules can be found below. Feel free to ask if anything does't make any sense or if you are unsure.


Open to Aircraft, ships, armour and vehicles


Ships, armour and vehicles:

-I would prefer that they subject is clearly Canadian

    -IE: Canadian plated car, Canadian Army Armour or vehicles (or a Canadian unit that was attached the British Army) or a clearly Canadian Ship (HMCS, the bluenose, ETC)



-Something built in Canada (Canso, Finch, Harvard MkIV, Hurricane MkXII, ETC)

-something flown by a Canadian operator (Air Canada, Wardair, RCAF, ETC)

-Something CLEARLY flown by a Canadian pilot (Canadian in the RAF, exchange pilot in a foreign air force, ETC)


In order to qualify, the kit cannot be substantially started before before 12:01AM July 1, 2017 and must be completed by Midnight, Dec 31, 2017


Again, please ask if you are unsure if your plans fit inside these rules.


 Have fun building,


Edited by martin_sam_2000
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41 minutes ago, Kingoalie said:

I think the answer would be yes but just to make sure, would a Canadair Challenger in German markings be acceptable?

It sure is.


 Looking forward to seeing it.



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Hello everybody.

I'd like to take part to this GB, but I have a question.

I have on the way an 1/72 DHC-6 Twin Otter 100.


Now, I don't know how much my kit is "substantially" started, so please, let me know if I may or not.

If not, I'll go for a Caribou, really unstarted at all.


Thank you for your attention.



Note: I'll remove the pcs to save space in this thread as I'll get an answer.

Edited by 72linerlover
removed photos
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33 minutes ago, 72linerlover said:

Hello everybody.

I'd like to take part to this GB, but I have a question.

I have on the way an 1/72 DHC-6 Twin Otter 100.


Now, I don't know how much my kit is "substantially" started, so please, let me know if I may or not.

If not, I'll go for a Caribou, really unstarted at all.


Thank you for your attention.



Note: I'll remove the pcs to save space in this thread as I'll get an answer.

considering all the interior is done, and the wings are assembled, I would draw the line at the fusealge. If it is glued together...its too far to join. If the fuselage has not been glued together, you can enter it.


Either way, build the Caribou!! Great plane and there are not enough of them around.



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8 minutes ago, 72linerlover said:

Thanks for your fast reply.

The fuselage is not glued, but I agree that the built is in an advanced stage.

So, I'll go and take the Caribou aut of the shelf.



no worries. If you want to continue building it, by all means go ahead. I would love to see your finished product, the build just wont qualify you for the prize draw. If you build both this and the caribou, then you are eligible



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  • 4 months later...
5 hours ago, Colin K said:

Hey guys.....I just finished a Kinetic 1/48 CF-188A.  I didn't take any progress photos of the build, but I was wondering if I could still enter the finished model?  Thanks!



i have been following your build on facebook. Go ahead and add it yonyhe complete thread. It is an amazing build!!



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Just over a month to go, so keep it up guys. 


 I currently have 9 prizes and only 6 people currently eligible for prizes, although a few of those have already mentioned they don't want to participate in a winners raffle.


 I have a plan tho, so we will see what happens at the end.





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