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hello guys and gals...

looks like a curse: it seems that i'm always in search of unavailable stuff...

well, this time it's an ITALERI 1/72 H-19 B (item no.1206), andi can't find anywhere even on the net. there's all kinds of helos, but the chickasaw seems to have been kicked out of history, and i'm exhausted...

is there anybody who has one such a kit who would sell or exchange with some from my stash?

thanks in advance.

best ciaos, and happy modeling. bobo.

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yeeaaahhh, bruce. this guy doesn't even answer to questions about shipping. i mean that you contact the seller, click the subject "shipping" and get kicked back to the previous page. paranoid!

-thanks to gw8345!

ciao. bobo.

Edited by Bobo1953
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  • 1 year later...

I've got the same problem with the Italeri 1/72 A-26C (glass nose) Invader kit.  I see them on eBay from time to time - they tend to be expensive IMO - but I always seem to miss out.  


Good luck with your search!




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On 6/10/2019 at 6:42 AM, rcaf*100 said:

Are you still looking for this one? I have one I'd be willing to part with

hi rcaf*100.

sorry for answering with such a delay, but actually i did not remember of this post of mine.

i thank you for your kind attention, but i have eventually found this kit, well, if memory serves, i believe at an antiquarian place in poland (!)

actually the story goes that the guy did not ship internationally, but i did not surrender, so i asked a polish friend of mine to buy it for me and eventually he sent it to my place...

the kit now is in the stash, awaiting for the helo-rush -which in the meantime had subsided- to rise up again. 😉

once more, thank you very much, and ciao!:cheers:


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