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18 hours ago, Swordsman422 said:


For these two particular options there is for the first the OOP Fightertown sheet and for the second nothing. I can't say I blame people for hoping kit decals cover subjects NOT available in AM.


My point is that there is no reason for myself to get lathered over decals. Just gimme the kit!

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2 hours ago, Brian P: Fightertown Decals said:

We've (Fightertown Decals) have done quite a lot of the F-14D, and there's a lot that'll fit on other than the Hasegawa kit. But don't worry, have big D plans for both Tamiya and AMK. ITMT, we've covered several timeframes of 

VF-31 OEF/OIF/OIFIII/Last Crusie

VF-213 OIFIII/Last Tomcat Cruise

VF-2 OIF Last Tomcat Cruise






I imagine a Big D sheet to include a 'greatest hits' resized and some new jets the thavent been covered.  



Brian, have you ever thought of doing some 1/32 F/A-18F sets that are line jet subdued?  CAG fans always seem to get their choices, line jets with plenty of mission markings seem to be less popular....but we need them too. 1/32 Scale Foxtrots (line jets) are few and far between.

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While I'm all about aftermarket decals, I think tamiya has really stepped up and delivered amazing sheets with the F-14A. 3 options, tons of markings, details, cockpits, weapons! I'm really impressed to the level of completeness they include with their kits. I'm expecting the F-14D to be the same way. Looks at the number of builds that use the kit decals and it's impressive. 

Of course that won't stop Fightertown and I'm sure many others from producing AM sheets ;)


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54 minutes ago, gtypecanare said:

The National Football League is organized as the American Professional Football Conference in Canton, Ohio

Hmmm. Looking at your quotes, the F-14 on display in Canton OH is a VF-32 F-14B... Maybe an F-14D did a flyover of Canton for the Hall Of Fame game at some point ?...


For Churchills speech, I was thinking about the VF-101 F-14A jet that crashed in 2002 but the tail washed up on a beach in Ireland 3 years later...


that's about all the brain cells I can spare for the morning ;)



Edited by Brian P: Fightertown Decals
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What is even going on....8 years of no modeling, a stash of Hasegawa F-14's that I got rid of and a stash of Fightertown decals I have to find, I come back to modeling in 2018 in a world where Tamiya has made an F-14A and is releasing an F-14D?!  I bought a load of AM to turn the F-14A into the F-14D and now this.  Man......at least I will have that blue IRIAF F-14A...now if only someone will do the splinter camo. 

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10 hours ago, stealthy1 said:

What is even going on....8 years of no modeling, a stash of Hasegawa F-14's that I got rid of and a stash of Fightertown decals I have to find, I come back to modeling in 2018 in a world where Tamiya has made an F-14A and is releasing an F-14D?!  I bought a load of AM to turn the F-14A into the F-14D and now this.  Man......at least I will have that blue IRIAF F-14A...now if only someone will do the splinter camo. 

Asked and answered. Fightertown Decals 48077 has the IRIAF splinter on it

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7 hours ago, Tomcat Trebor said:

Maybe Tamiya is going to announce a B as well just to finish the family.




They have the parts and ability to do that, but I am willing to bet they won't until they drain our wallets first on the previous releases.

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"We should have pricing and release date information for the US market by the time of the show."


I love it when we get such information especially when it comes from a company like Tamiya that, for the most part, is bang on with their release dates...no feet dragging :thumbsup:.


My credit card is eagerly waiting...:woot.gif:



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1 hour ago, gtypecanare said:

7 Days until the SHS!


While I do have a stack of decals (mostly Fightertown) waiting to leap onto Tamiya Tomcats, I think I’ll start with two kits: one to build as a D, and one to bash with a Tamiya A to make a VF-143 B. 


Great at time to be a Tomcat fanatic and decal sheet hoarder!

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On 4/28/2018 at 5:54 PM, Brian P: Fightertown Decals said:

Asked and answered. Fightertown Decals 48077 has the IRIAF splinter on it

That sheet is impossible to find. Is there any chance of a reprint?

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On 4/27/2018 at 2:18 PM, gtypecanare said:

Google is thy friend...

For some reason, I cannot find any references connecting the battle of Britain, Winston Churchill, Tamiya and their (obviously) soon-to-be released F-16D,


My google-fu must be weak.

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On 4/28/2018 at 4:14 AM, Brian P: Fightertown Decals said:

For Churchills speech, I was thinking about the VF-101 F-14A jet that crashed in 2002 but the tail washed up on a beach in Ireland 3 years later...


Is George even referring to the Tomcat with his Churchill quote?

This year is the 100th anniversary of the RAF after all, so maybe another SHS release announcement?

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12 hours ago, razgriz said:


Is George even referring to the Tomcat with his Churchill quote?

This year is the 100th anniversary of the RAF after all, so maybe another SHS release announcement?

Well, Canton has a semi-pro football team named the Hurricanes and Hurricanes played a big part in the Battle of Britain...32nd scale Hawker Hurricane?

Edited by jwest21
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