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The 2018 ARC Holiday Raffle PRIZE LIST

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Here is the 2018 ARC Holiday Raffle Prize Page


This is where you pick you prize so please look at the instructions below:


  1. If you are a winner, your name will be posted here in the first post after the prize list. Winners will also be announced in the special chat room which you can join if you want, and each winner will get a PM. So make sure your PM box isn't full.
  2. If you are a winner, you must call your selected prize here in this thread as soon as you are announced as a winner. Please say which kit you want, the donor and the prize number of the kit. If you don't, someone else might pick it before you. You will only be eligible for a prize if you post that prize to this thread. Remember: the first person to call it, gets it.
  3. All winners will be posted here as soon as they are announced, and we will put the names of the winners behind their prize of choice as fast as we can. Winner names will be in bold
  4. Last thing: Please use this thread only to call your prize. No congratulating or other conversations. It makes it much easier to see the selections and do fast updates!
  5. I shall be keeping track of who wins what, as fast and good as I can. Please make sure you read the information in the first post. Winners will be added in bold behind the prizes.


Winners List:

1 Whiskey

2 Quiddy

3 Richter111

4 FastEagle12

5 Archybean

6 Kingoalie

7 CorsairMan

8 Niart17

9 Ridinshotgun

10 Neo

11 Phantom

12 DDC

13 DNL42

14 Jaypack44

15 Sonyken


And now, the Prize LIST! The Donor is set out above the prize:



3) 1/144 Dragon Stealth Chopper (Kingoalie)

4) 1/48 Hobbycraft Bearcat  (Neo)



5) 1/72 Hasegawa F/A-18D (kit No. D9) (ridinshotgun)

6) 1/72 Hasegawa F/A-18C  (kit No. SP69) 'Independence' (Whiskey)



7 ) Academy kit 12249, 1/48 Police Helicopter 500D (CorsairMan)

8) Italeri kit 2685, 1/48 Spitfire Mk.IX "American Aces" (Niart)

9) Hasegawa kit 2658, 1/48 P-40M/N (Quiddy)



10) 1/48 Revell A-10 (2011 edition-sealed) (Archybean)



11) Revell 1/32 F-4G (Fasteagle12



13) 1/48 Revell F-15C (dnl42)



14) 1/48 Monogram MiG-29 (Phantom)



15) 1/48 Furball 48-049 Super Hornets sheet (Jaypack44)

Edited by CorsairMan
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