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Marineflieger F-104G Paint Color Set

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Hi from Germany!

Are you asking for the "dolphin scheme", offically calle norm 76?


You will need Basaltgrau RAL 7012 (close to FS 36081 gunship grey) and Weissaluminium (white aluminium dope) RAL 9006 (FS 37178) and Leuchtorange (DayGlo orange) RAL 2005 (close to FS 38903) for the wingtip tanks. Do not become misguided: Our F-4F Phantoms and F-104G Starfighters were not painted Silbergrau RAL 7001 (silver grey) on the underside but with aluminium dope. Still, that colour weathered to a smudgy grey rather quickly, as did the Leuchtorange, which became bleached cloudy yellow-whitish.

Considering the scale effect (a slight lightening of all colours with white to adjust for the much smaller model surface) and any weathering you will get a true replica even if you use FS colours.

These are good websites for colour comparison:







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On 1/30/2019 at 9:03 PM, PeepingBear said:

Hi from Germany!

Are you asking for the "dolphin scheme", offically calle norm 76?


You will need Basaltgrau RAL 7012 (close to FS 36081 gunship grey) and Weissaluminium (white aluminium dope) RAL 9006 (FS 37178) and Leuchtorange (DayGlo orange) RAL 2005 (close to FS 38903) for the wingtip tanks. Do not become misguided: Our F-4F Phantoms and F-104G Starfighters were not painted Silbergrau RAL 7001 (silver grey) on the underside but with aluminium dope. Still, that colour weathered to a smudgy grey rather quickly, as did the Leuchtorange, which became bleached cloudy yellow-whitish.

Considering the scale effect (a slight lightening of all colours with white to adjust for the much smaller model surface) and any weathering you will get a true replica even if you use FS colours.

These are good websites for colour comparison:







 Good point on the RAL7001. The Dutch Zippers did fly with this colour, but some with alu dope as well. Pre-German camo the Zippers were all RAL 7001, except the TFs which had a metal coloured tail/engine section. So, helpful correction from Germany! The colour sets mentioned here are all good. Mr. Hobby also has them of course (great brand as well)

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