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Quickboost has just released "Early" (32-217 & 48-873) and "Late" (32-218 & 48-874) versions of the MiG-21's Radar Altitude Sensor. Does anyone know which variants go with which MiG versions or (more likely) when were the late ones introduced?

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The official name of the altitude measuring system is RV-U and it was used basically on EVERY Russian made aircraft from early 1950’s like MiG-15 bis and Mi-1 helicopters to all the civil airliners, so to connect it strictly to the Fishbed is questionable.


The “style” of the this T antenna (more easy to identify it this way) was changed many, many times, fitted, retrofitted.


I have not seen a particular and exactly identified date when a change was made from one style to another. The simple version is more likely to be used on things like MiG-15 bis.


Personally I prefer to use photoetch for the T antennas and add a bit of gloss paint to them to make the flat photoetch more 3 dimensional.


I know it is a stupid answer to your question but this is the best available: check your references for the particular aircraft you are building.  :rolleyes:



Best regards


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On 3/28/2019 at 6:27 PM, mrvark said:

Thanks Gabor!


You are welcome! :))  Not much help in my answer. Will have a look at the real planes soon and also at the resin ones at Moson. Still think it should be made of metal, that is photoetch. Resin is far too fragile for this.


Best regards


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