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NASA SR-71 LASRE/X-33 Aerospike 3D part

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Has anyone seen photos of NASA SR-71 844 (last of the SR71s flying) with the LASRE/X-33 Aerospike rocket engine rig mounted on its hump?

Then you thought that it would be cool to model this SR71, but building the LASRE/Aerospike rig from scratch was just a little too much work.

Well I asked Michael Key of "The Aerospace Place" to build me one & he did. Michael now is offering this part to the model world 3D printed from Shapeways.

3D parts are never cheap when printing in the better resolutions & this part is $87.

He made it to fit the NASA Haseagawa SR-71 1/72 kit (#00840) but it should fit any 1/72 SR-71.

If you can't find the NASA Haseagawa SR-71 1/72 kit you are on your own with finding the decals for the NASA SR-71.

But I got more good news I did a .pdf of the LASRE/Aerospike decals so you can print your own. 

The NASA meatball (5mm) is mounted on a black background so a inkjet decal will not work, the rest of the decals are mounted on the white LASRE wing.

I can sen you the .pdf for the decals or Michael can send you one.

Heres a photo of my completed Haseagawa SR-71.


Link to Shapeways part: https://www.shapeways.com/product/EP6ACZQNH/nasa-lasre-pod-for-1-72-sr-71-model



IMG_0468 copy.jpg

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