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Custom made decals required

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Hi all


I am making a 1/48 scale piper Cherokee 140 light aircraft for m'y father.  M'y father owned one and was a full IFR instructor and taught me to also fly.  M'y dad is 79 years old and i decided i would give him a nice gift for his birthday of thé Cherokee hé owned and flew.  Flying was his passion.  Thé Call sign of his aircrdaft was VH-CHF.  So what i was needing is somone who could make thé decals for me.  This would bé in plain white to fit 1/48 scale.  I am able to suppy mixtures of thé aircraft so thé decals could bé made to scale.  I would greatly appreciated if anyone out there could help me out and make thé decals for me. if anyone Can, Can you contact me?  Obviously i am more than happyto pay for your Time and effort and for thé decals.  So if somone Can help me, it would greatly appreciated and bé a huge surprise for my  father and make him a very man







ull instructor



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Have you thought about printing them out yourself. They can be drawn up with any vector software and printed out on decal paper. If you don't have vector software I can do that part for you. You'd have to print them out yourself on your printer though.Here's a link to how to do it, or just Google creating your own decals. 


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