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Check the metal elevators closely, preferably a photo of the aircraft.  A long discussion on one of the other sites seemed to conclude that the metal elevators did not appear as a field mod until sometime in early 1945.  Field modification for the dorsal fin did not include the metal elevators as part of the package.  Agreed that there is a LOT of research out there, but you might want to do a little more digging.  HTH, Dave.

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The K-14 first appeared on D-20’s built in late 44.  There isn’t much specific info on how commonly this sight was retrofitted to existing Mustangs, especially ones as old as a D-5.   Keep in mind, a good number of older pilots passed on the K-14 and opted to keep the original N-9.   


I guess the the bottom line is that unless you find a pic of this aircraft later in life which shows the distinctive K-14, you’ll never know for sure.   As such, no one can second-guess you if you opt for the newer sight. 

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Based on what you presented, I would opt for fabric elevators and a regular gun sight.  Of course you can always go the other direction making the assumption that the aircraft was up graded sometime in it's career.  Cheers, Dave.

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This topic I can add to, as I had a similar question back on another forum. As it turns out, the K-14 started being fitted around August 1944, and before the D-5's got the fin fillet. 

One example is Capt Henry Brown's D-5 44-13305 which had the K-14 retrofitted, but not the fin fillet at the time of being shot down Oct 3rd -44. 


As with all (field) modifications, the implementation came at different times, so unless you have photos that can substantiate either-or, I propose you go with what you prefer as it is your model. It will be very difficult to argue against it with all the mods and when each was implemented. 


The implementation of the K-14 in the D-20 I pressume was on factory fresh aircraft, but like all mod's these are usually implemented fleet wide as soon as practically possible. 

Another example is the tail warning radar, which also found its way to the D-5's towards the latter part of the war. 


Found the link on FB - actually the combat report from Brown's triple on Sept 11, -44; 

Edited by Niels
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This topic I can add to, as I had a similar question back on another forum. As it turns out, the K-14 started being fitted around August 1944, and before the D-5's got the fin fillet. 

One example is Capt Henry Brown's D-5 44-13305 which had the K-14 retrofitted, but not the fin fillet at the time of being shot down Oct 3rd -44. 


As with all (field) modifications, the implementation came at different times, so unless you have photos that can substantiate either-or, I propose you go with what you prefer as it is your model. It will be very difficult to argue against it with all the mods and when each was implemented. 


The implementation of the K-14 in the D-20 I pressume was on factory fresh aircraft, but like all mod's these are usually implemented fleet wide as soon as practically possible. 

Another example is the tail warning radar, which also found its way to the D-5's towards the latter part of the war. 


Found the link on FB - actually the combat report from Brown's triple on Sept 11, -44; 

Interesting report.   Kinda grim to read about the Mustang pilot staffing and killing a downed German pilot who was trying to get out of his crashed -109 but such is war, I suppose.  

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