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AH-1G Cobra, “Sound of Silence”, Special Hobby 1:72.

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Hello. My second submission in the forum is the AH-1G Cobra from Special Hobby. It’s a good scale model with the recessed panel lines bit on the heavy side and with a lot of armament. In the box there are items that allow to build other versions too. I had the Marine version but I wanted to do the Army one so I used the decals for the specific chopper from the AZ model.

“Sound of Silence” was the Cobra that CW2 Jim Moran and WO1 Neil MacMilan used in one of the longest missions of war, maintaining the extraction at night and in bad weather of an LRRP team that was surrounded by a large NVA unit. (US ARMY AH-1 COBRA UNITS IN VIETNAM by Jonathan Bernstein, Osprey Combat Aircraft 41).

It is built out of the box with the only modification seat belts from Tamiya tape and air intakes from Brengun because Special Hobby’s are wrong… see the photo.

Thank’s for looking.




















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Beautiful work!


I have this same kit - in fact I was just fiddling a bit with it today. I too realized there's something wrong with the intakes (that I too realized only today). I'm not familiar with other Cobra types but in an otherwise good looking kit it just made me wonder where did they get the design from? Do some other AH-1s got this kind of intakes or is it just a stupid mistake?

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16 hours ago, SQLModeller said:

Very nice - those Brengun air intakes look much better than the ones from the box. Were they easy to fit?

Thank you SQLModeller! The intake on the port side needed a bit of fiddling, the other went on OK.

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14 hours ago, Hajo L. said:

Very nice model! I love the Special Hobby Cobra, already did two of them...




Thank's HAJO! I love them too and I have the "The Thor's Hummer" boxing also for building in the future.

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13 hours ago, janman said:

Beautiful work!


I have this same kit - in fact I was just fiddling a bit with it today. I too realized there's something wrong with the intakes (that I too realized only today). I'm not familiar with other Cobra types but in an otherwise good looking kit it just made me wonder where did they get the design from? Do some other AH-1s got this kind of intakes or is it just a stupid mistake?

Thank you janman, I am glad you liked it! I guess it's a mistake and when they realised it they couldn't do anything about it... so Brengun did the correction.

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