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LF: 1/48 F-89 Scorpion BB Cockpit Set, Royal Wheels, and Decals

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I'm planning two 1/48 F-89D/J builds and need some aftermarket bits to spruce up the Revell kit.  I know they're scarce, but I'm looking for two blackbox cockpits and any of the SSI or Repli-scale decal sheets.  Also, two sets of Royal resin wheels will be needed.


I'd also be interested in the Revell of Germany release of the 1/48 F-89D/J kit.



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Hey Ken, I've got one of those scorpions with the BB cockpit set, SAC gear, & Repli Scale decals, plus the kit decals. Some parts are off the sprues, but the whole kit is here if you're interested please shoot me a pm or email at donsplaneshop@comcast.net or call 239 565 7570. I am located in SW Florida so let me know if you're interested thanks Don

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