Diego Posted August 20, 2020 Share Posted August 20, 2020 (edited) Dear ARCers, Finally, here are the preeliminary, low-res. image of the upcoming HDL's Egyptian AF F-4E Phantom sheet in 1/48th and 1/72nd scales: This is the very first sheet covering the Egyptian F-4E markings. It took a long time to complete the necessary data as these birds are one of the most secretive phantoms worldwide. Anyway, the sheet covers all four schemes used by the Rhino in Egyptian service, one of the most colorful birds being 7827, one of the very few Phantoms to fly in the "modified S.E.A. scheme" with the orange/black quick id. panels applied. HD48033 & HD72063 : F-4E Phantom II "Pharaoh's ghosts" - "7813" in disruptive "Compass Ghost Grey" camouflage, 1980, - "7827" in "South East Asia" camouflage with orange & black quick ID panels, 1983, - "7818" in "Hill One" scheme, seen in 1988, - "7817" in "Hill Two" scheme with orange & black quick ID panels, 1990. Before being sold to Egypt, this Phantom was credited with the downing of a Vietnamese MiG-21 in August 1972, when serving with the USAF 58th TFS. Please stay tuned - more soon... Greetings Diego Edited December 31, 2021 by Diego Quote Link to post Share on other sites
phantom Posted August 20, 2020 Share Posted August 20, 2020 Wonderful, been waiting with kit in hand. I will PM you. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
pollie Posted August 20, 2020 Share Posted August 20, 2020 September 2020? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Dutch Posted August 20, 2020 Share Posted August 20, 2020 Diego! Welcome back. I hope you are feeling better and doing well. Thank you for the announcement. I will certainly order a 1/72 set as soon as I see it in stock. K/r, Dutch Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Diego Posted November 13, 2020 Author Share Posted November 13, 2020 (edited) ...and here the first scann of the main decal sheet: ...the decals are already on stock, we are just finishing the instruction sheets. Please stay tuned - More very soon Edited November 13, 2020 by Diego Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury Posted November 14, 2020 Share Posted November 14, 2020 Excellent!! Have a 1/72 Hasegawa F-4E in the stash, just waiting! Maybe get one of those FineMold ones...?? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nebbor Posted March 16, 2021 Share Posted March 16, 2021 (edited) Vapourware, announced in 2014!!! Hi Decal HD48033 Foreign Currency OptionsGB PoundAustralian DollarsBrazilian RealCanadian DollarsChineese RenminbiCzech korunaEuroHong Kong DollarsIsraeli sheqelJapanese YenNew Zealand DollarsNorwegian KronerPolish ZlotyRussian RubleSouth African RandSwedish KronaSwiss FrancUS Dollar Description: McDonnell F-4E Phantom II "Pharaoh's Ghosts" (4) 222nd Tactical Fighter Brigade, Egyptian Air Force: * 66-0366 / 7813 in disruptive "Compass Ghost Grey" camouflage, 1980, * 67-0289 / 7827 in "South East Asia" camouflage with orange & black quick ID panels, 1983, * 67-0341 / 7818 in "Hill One" scheme, seen in 1988, * 67-0239 / 7817 in "Hill Two" scheme with orange & black quick ID panels, 1990. Before being sold to Egypt, this Phantom was credited with the downing of a Vietnamese MiG-21 in August 1972, when serving with the USAF 58th TFS. The new decals are scheduled for release during February 2014. Manufacturer: Hi Decal Code Number: HD48033 Scale: 1:48 Item type: Aircraft decals (military) Price: £TBA Order Quantity: Add to backorder Availability: 0 Wish List: Add To Wish List Department: Future Releases Watchlist Add to watchlist « Go back« Go back Hannants Search Engine Search Area Manufacturer Item Type Search AllCatalogueCollection OnlyDamagedFuture ReleasesLimited AvailabilityNew ArrivalsSecond HandSold OutSpecial Offers All Specials2nd handLast of lineCollectors cornerClearance offers All26 Decals3D Blitz4 + PublicationsA & A ModelsA A KitsA Call To ArmsA-ModelA-SquaredAB ModelsAberAcademyAccurate FiguresAccurate MiniaturesAceADH PublishingAdmiralAerobonus (by Aires)AeroMasterAeroplastAerotechAFV ClubAGBAIM - Ground EquipmentAIM - Ground Equipment DecalsAIM - Historic WingsAIM - Rug Rat ResinsAIM - Transport WingsAim Fan ModelAimsAIPAir-Graphic ModelsAirdecalAirdocAiresAirfixAirfix (imported)AirframeAirline Hobby SuppliesAirone HobbyAirscaleAirwavesAirwaves 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sets (etched brass and wood)Ship detailing sets (etched)Ship detailing sets (etched, metal and resin)Ship detailing sets (injection)Ship detailing sets (metal and resin)Ship detailing sets (metal)Ship detailing sets (resin)Ship detailing sets (turned brass)Ship detailing sets (wood)Ship kits (injection)Ship kits (resin)Ship kits, full and waterline hull (injection)Ship kits, full hull (injection)Ship kits, full hull (resin)Ship kits, waterline hull (injection)Ship kits, waterline hull (resin)Ship paint masks (self adhesive)Space kits (injection)Space kits (resin)Train kits (injection)Truck and trailer kits (injection)VHS tapeWargamesWeathering products Part Number Scale Keywords Results per Page Only discounted retail price Please 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Searches- Edited March 16, 2021 by Nebbor Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Dutch Posted April 16, 2021 Share Posted April 16, 2021 On 11/13/2020 at 3:34 AM, Diego said: ...and here the first scann of the main decal sheet: ...the decals are already on stock, we are just finishing the instruction sheets. Please stay tuned - More very soon Diego, I have these on backorder from Hannants for 5 months now! How much longer please? Kind regards, Dutch Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mungo1974 Posted April 17, 2021 Share Posted April 17, 2021 NEVER GONNA HAPPEN BROKEN PROMISES SINCE 2014 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Dutch Posted April 20, 2021 Share Posted April 20, 2021 @mungo1974 There you go again with those negative waves, Moriarty! 😎 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mungo1974 Posted April 20, 2021 Share Posted April 20, 2021 Hey I'm a patient man but this B. S has rolled on for years. The fact I know of two other aftermarket decal guys who were interested in doing these jets but canned the idea as Diego kept promising his release was imminent. Yet 7 years later what do we have nothing but broken promises and missed opportunities for others. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Diego Posted April 20, 2021 Author Share Posted April 20, 2021 On 4/16/2021 at 10:59 PM, Dutch said: Diego, I have these on backorder from Hannants for 5 months now! How much longer please? Kind regards, Dutch Decals are ready and waiting for the instructions - these should be printed during the next week. Sorry for all those delays and thank you for your patience.😔 Greetings Diego Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nebbor Posted April 20, 2021 Share Posted April 20, 2021 On 4/16/2021 at 10:59 PM, Dutch said: Diego, I have these on backorder from Hannants for 5 months now! How much longer please? Kind regards, Dutch So your patience is obviously not great, many have been waiting for more than 5 years for this release, you a measily 5 months and start moaning already? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nebbor Posted April 20, 2021 Share Posted April 20, 2021 (edited) Again: this was promised for release in 2014! An surely there are real life issues but being lied upon several times personally I won't touch this release with a ten foot pole if it is ever going to be released. Edited April 20, 2021 by Nebbor Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nebbor Posted April 20, 2021 Share Posted April 20, 2021 23 minutes ago, Diego said: Decals are ready and waiting for the instructions - these should be printed during the next week. Sorry for all those delays and thank you for your patience.😔 Greetings Diego Sure... just like you told me the past years. 🤬 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Niels Posted April 20, 2021 Share Posted April 20, 2021 Nebbor, you have 11 posts and the 3 last are just bashing Diego. Fair to be dissappointed about waiting long for these decals, but give it a rest. You made you irritation known in your first post so no need to continue for yet another 2 more. You know, it is allowed to bypass a post on the forum without commenting, just saying 😉 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nebbor Posted April 20, 2021 Share Posted April 20, 2021 Niels, feel free to bypass comments on my posts. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scotthldr Posted April 22, 2021 Share Posted April 22, 2021 On 4/20/2021 at 5:43 PM, Nebbor said: So your patience is obviously not great, many have been waiting for more than 5 years for this release, you a measily 5 months and start moaning already? I imagine that if he has it on back order then he’s already paid for it, and with no sign of the sheet I think he’s every bit entitled to moan. I’m sure this sheet was first promised way before 2014? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Dutch Posted June 30, 2021 Share Posted June 30, 2021 On 4/20/2021 at 12:21 PM, Diego said: Decals are ready and waiting for the instructions - these should be printed during the next week. Sorry for all those delays and thank you for your patience.😔 Greetings Diego Diego, I have not received any word from Hannants on my backorder. I only ask, because I am placing an order very soon and am willing to wait a fortnight. If these decals are indeed ready, I would like to add them to this order. Other wise, I will place my order as it currently stands. Kind regards, Dutch Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nebbor Posted December 23, 2021 Share Posted December 23, 2021 Available right now: https://aztecmodels.com/collections/decals/products/d-076-pharaohs-guardians-1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Diego Posted December 31, 2021 Author Share Posted December 31, 2021 (edited) On 6/30/2021 at 8:28 PM, Dutch said: Diego, I have not received any word from Hannants on my backorder. I only ask, because I am placing an order very soon and am willing to wait a fortnight. If these decals are indeed ready, I would like to add them to this order. Other wise, I will place my order as it currently stands. Kind regards, Dutch The "Pharaoh's Ghosts" sheets are just being released and shipped to our distributors. Unfortunately, due to several professional, health and family related issues this project took much more time than planned to be finished. Several of the depicted Phantoms had been hard to research, but we managed to get all the necessary data, even including the specific, unique stencilling used on some planes. Like Romans used to say, "finis coronat opus" 🙂 Sorry fot the delays and thanks for your patience! Greetings Diego Edited December 31, 2021 by Diego Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Dutch Posted December 31, 2021 Share Posted December 31, 2021 Happy NewYear! Excellent news! I am really looking foward to this sheet! Thank you, Diego! Kind regards, Dutch Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wxltcol Posted January 1, 2022 Share Posted January 1, 2022 Diego, I sincerely hope all your issues are behind you and you have a happy and healthy 2022! Tom Quote Link to post Share on other sites
phantom Posted January 1, 2022 Share Posted January 1, 2022 5 hours ago, wxltcol said: Diego, I sincerely hope all your issues are behind you and you have a happy and healthy 2022! Tom Total agreement. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Stephen Posted January 24, 2022 Share Posted January 24, 2022 Now on sale at hannants.co.uk https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/HD48033?result-token=gGMTQ https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/HD72063?result-token=gGMTQ Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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