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Kinetic Su-33 Instructions

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But... even the updated version has a bunch of holes and is kind of vague.   


When assembling the cockpit, don't miss the ejection pull chord thing... the instructions don't mention it.  It was a good thing my kit came with two sprues that contained the seat, otherwise I would have been screwed. 


I have a build thread going in the "in progress" sub forum.  I outlined a bunch of "issues" so please take a look before you dig in, as it may prove helpful.  I'm at the end of the build, so basically anything you need you will probably find there. 

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Thanks for the link and BaconRaygun I read your build thread. Good info. there.


I to picked up the Eduard set and the resin exhaust nozzles and a few other bits from Spru Brothers.  I'll post an build thread sometime this fall when I get started on this kit.

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