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CNU-188 travel pod variants

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I was curious about travel pods. I have the AMS resin CNU-188 travel pod and the appearance puzzled me. My limited references showed the hornet's travel pod as having a concave back rather than pointed with fins. Does anyone know the dimensions of the travel pods used by the Marine Corps? I'm thinking I may have to modify mine but I really don't have much in the way of authoritative sources to know what to do.

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For the Hornet, the correct baggage pod is the CNU-188C/A, basically a modified AERO-1D drop tank.


The CNU-188C/A will have the short "bob tail", the tail on the AMS Resin CNU-188 is the long tail so you will have to cut it down.


Here is a pic of a "bob tail" (centerline tank on the A-6);

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.skytamer.com%2F1.2%2F2001%2F1260.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.skytamer.com%2FGrumman_A-6E.html&tbnid=jQ-shIK6tKMWkM&vet=12ahUKEwjdrPz47-LsAhWMIN8KHd_WD40QMygXegUIARDTAQ..i&docid=x3PR57S0O1CYcM&w=3000&h=2000&q=A-6 Intruder drop tank&ved=2ahUKEwjdrPz47-LsAhWMIN8KHd_WD40QMygXegUIARDTAQ


https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedrive.com%2Fcontent-b%2Fmessage-editor%2F1556040379789-144411.jpg%3Fquality%3D60&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedrive.com%2Fthe-war-zone%2F27604%2Fconfessions-of-an-a-6-intruder-pilot&tbnid=GjGBXDhE56tFgM&vet=12ahUKEwi9jMbk8uLsAhXaC98KHfKPBIgQMygDegUIARCmAQ..i&docid=fgIcg9NU8XdBoM&w=1858&h=1045&q=A-6 Intruder centerline drop tank&ved=2ahUKEwi9jMbk8uLsAhXaC98KHfKPBIgQMygDegUIARCmAQ


The CNU-188C/A is 202 inches long with a diameter of 26.5 inches. The AMS Resin tank is a scale 227 inches so you will need to cut off a scale 25 inches and round the back end.


The "long tail" was authorized on other aircraft (F-14, A-7, A-6, etc) but the (USN/USMC) Hornet was only authorized for the short tail called the bob tail.




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Wow first of all thank you for the information! These are great references I was not finding for some reason. Now I suppose I had a follow on question, so bobtail refers to a rounded yet still football shaped blivet? One of my references for the jet I was looking to replicate showed a sort of flat back on the tank





Is this still the same thing?

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2 minutes ago, Breaddy-Stack said:

Wow first of all thank you for the information! These are great references I was not finding for some reason. Now I suppose I had a follow on question, so bobtail refers to a rounded yet still football shaped blivet? One of my references for the jet I was looking to replicate showed a sort of flat back on the tank





Is this still the same thing?

No, that's a CNU-188C/A that is missing the tail completely.


Not everyone follows the book all the time, that's a pic of one such time.

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Just now, Breaddy-Stack said:

Okay that makes sense! Looks like if I just left the tail of the AMS tank that would be accurate right? Maybe just concave the back with a dremel a bit?


There were times we thought of the "book" as mere "guidelines" than as actual rules, this would be one of those times. 😉

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12 minutes ago, GW8345 said:


There were times we thought of the "book" as mere "guidelines" than as actual rules, this would be one of those times. 😉

Haha I hear that. Always makes for interesting ‘innovations’ I suppose! Well thank you for your help on this I super appreciate it!

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