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Needed still kitech 32nd scale BLUE THUNDER HELICOOPTER kit for parts

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someone has to have one. i need a canopy to finish mine. if u have a new one, open one , shelf of doom one, etc, etc, i need the canopy. i broke mine sawing the doors off. brittle plastic. let me know. someone has to have one. thanks for the help. email me at (  whsch@optimum.net  ). thanks again. bb

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I have one, just checked upstairs. The complete clear sprue, 1x canopy hub, 2x extra small windows and 2x searchlights. I bought an extra kit when I was building one. I broke one of the rotors when i was rubbing the plastic (a more realistic look when the blades are bend slightly). Kittech uses soft plastic.


But...I live in the netherlands, so posting can take 2 weeks and shipping can be near the $20 or more.

Not sure where you are located.



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