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Would the Su-24 ever fly with a asymmetric load? Something like a fuel tank on one wing glove pylon and a ‘large’ missile, Kh-31 or Kh-58 under the opposite pylon? I cannot find any photos showing this arrangement on the Su-24. 


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Neither have I. The closest possibility for such a situation would be something a la Su-17 or MiG-27 where some designator pod (like "vyuga") for AG missiles would be hanging on the other side and a rocket pod for balance on the opposite side. 

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  • 3 months later...

I remember seeing some picutres of SU-24MR's (recon ones - check the nose) with some sort of pod on the outer wing pylon and a double missile rack on the other one. There was also a pic of such jets in Syria, with the double rack on one and something else on the other, I can't remember what.

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  • 1 year later...

I’m back to the Su-24. Going to do a Ukraine example with Reskit StormShadow missiles. I have a set of the digital cam masks but having trouble finding details of the, it looks like 4, greys used. Can anyone point me in the right direction before I guesstimate it based on photos. Thanks

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No idea which masks you have but don't they contain paint recommendations? 

Anyway, FOXBOT masks provide what you're looking for, complete with FS equivalents:



Mr. Paint has the correct shades available (they are labeled 'Su-25 digital camo' but the same shades are used for the Su-24/MiG-29/L-39 with digital camo as well): https://mrpaint.sk/Ukrajina?limit=75




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