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Why Doesnt Hasegawa Re-Release the 1/48 A-4B/C/K/KU/N?????

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10 hours ago, scorvi said:



Any words on the resin A-4C Argentine conversion??


Hi Steve,

I still haven't had any replies back from Mr Heredia, so now it merely depends on my being able to find someone who has that set and wants to part with it - or trade it with me for something else: I've published an add on Mercado Libre to trade one of my husband's last acquired sets of the Wingman Models C-130J-30 1/72nd scale conversions (USAF/IAF), only to see if I can stir the interest of someone who might have the set you're after. 

Unfortunately, by now it seems clear that Mr Heredia is nowhere to be found.

If you can wait a tad longer, perhaps someone will come through.

Other than that, I don't know how else to get it.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.




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Thank you for your efforts.  Yes It does seem No joy with Acounga resin.


Please let em know if you get a set I can buy or trade.  Email me directly:  scorvi@verizon.net







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On 8/11/2021 at 11:56 PM, Corey said:

Can be found on ebay





Great find, Corey!

I wasn't aware that Cat 4 also made the antennae for the Argentinian Scooters.

You're sorted, Steve! It's such a relief that Cat 4 would make everything you need for your build because I still was not able to find a set for you as of today.

I can see in the bag that the ADF hump for the C is right under the one for the P/Q.

Get one of the Cat4 R48052 sets right away, Steve. Might as well buy one of those for my husband.




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On 6/12/2021 at 11:26 AM, scorvi said:

I wonder why Hasegawa hasnt re-released any of the early Skyhawk 1/48 kits???  They are very desirable and they would sell well overall.


Say an A-4B Falklands, A-4KU Free Kuwait, A-4N IDF and Maybe the A-4C  adn A-4K New Zealand AF.


What do people think?  Hasegawa usually likes to re-release stuff all the time  WHY not the Skyhawks??



The Hasegawa 1/48 A-4s with non-U.S. markings don't seem to do well in Japan though. I've picked up Falklands, Kuwait, RNZAF, Singapore, and IDF Skyhawks from various hobby shops/second-hand "recycle" shops around Japan and all of them seem to have been sitting on the shelves since they were released in the early 2000s (thick layer of dust, faded box, etc.). I've actually passed on buying a few because there were dead insects/mold inside some of the boxes. So their overseas distributors will need to push them to repop these versions, because they certainly don't seem to sell in their home market.


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@K5054NZ, I have not. I sometimes chat with a Hasegawa rep at their booth at the hobby shows in Shizuoka and Tokyo, but unfortunately they were cancelled again this year. Anyone can send Ebay price screenshots to their official Facebook (株式会社ハセガワ) or Twitter (ハセガワ @hasegawa_model) though.

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