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1/72 Hasegawa B-25J to PBJ-1J

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I am not well acquainted with Mitchell bombers but I would like to do a USN PBJ-1J using my 1/72 Hasegawa B-25J kit. Is it possible to do and if so do I need to add anything to my current kit besides USN decals? Thanks. jon

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I have built a PBJ-1H from Hasegawa 14 years ago and the box was dedicated to this version.




There used to be also a Hasegawa PBJ-1J box and the least I can say : there was a radar on PBJ-1J you do not have in your B-25J kit. But maybe you can get a picture of a PBJ-1J without any radar...



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Thanks, so basically I need the wing tip radar and USN decals, my kit has the glass nose with 4 guns and the cheek guns so I am guessing the radar is all I need as far as parts. jon

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Thank you, I will do some photographic searching. jon

BTW I just looked at a site and saw Hasegawas PBJ-1J instructions, one of the four variants they have decals for had no radar and just the parts their B-25J kit had. Now all I need is decals.

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Many PBJ-1Js had the top turret removed and replaced with a small dome.  I happened to find the photo below that apparently shows an aircraft in the overall dark blue, but before any turret modifications.  Oddly enough, it almost appears it still has the nose gun, even though the nose is painted over!  I did this aircraft in 1/48 with the Monogram B-25J, with white lettering and numbers to do the tail markings.






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A minor point, but while PBJs were purchased by the Department of the Navy, they were not "Navy" aircraft.  They were bought for the Marine Corps, the Navy never used them except possibly for a test bird or something.

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