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MAPlan? West Michigan IPMS News?

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I just found this Ebay auction of XF-85 reference material:




It includes a set of drawing by MAPlan, a company I'd never heard of. The XF-85 drawings are listed as MAPlan-31, suggesting there were at least 30 other drawing sets. I can't find anything though Google, so I decided to ask here whether anyone knows more.


The drawings list 'Drawn by Thomas F. Bauer - Copyright 1975 west Michigan IPMS News - Reprinted by Permission'. This suggest a local publication by the West Michigan IPMS chapter. I found their Facebook (grr) page, but nothing about a publication. Does anyone know more?


Thanks in advance!



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On 9/9/2022 at 5:48 PM, Rob de Bie said:

The drawings list 'Drawn by Thomas F. Bauer - Copyright 1975 west Michigan IPMS News - Reprinted by Permission'. This suggest a local publication by the West Michigan IPMS chapter. I found their Facebook (grr) page, but nothing about a publication. Does anyone know more?


Thanks in advance!



Hello, Rob,


The XF-85 reference was published in the October 1975 issue of the West Michigan IPMS newsletter. Back then, references were much more difficult to find than they are now, and club newsletters frequently included such research. I have every newsletter from that club dating back to Vol. 1 No. 1 in 1973. Not that I was there - I was 4 years old at the time, but I am now in my second term as president of that club. 


Sorry you don’t like our FB page. Please send your donation to defray 5 years of website hosting costs to West MI IPMS, and we’ll get a website created for you shortly!

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Andrew, thanks for the response! I had no idea that club newsletters published this kind of research. We definitely did not have anything similar here in the Netherland at any time, only the (nation-wide) IPMS-NL magazine. If there's an online archive, I would love to take a look. I can see from the annotations of the XF-85 drawings that the modeler who drew those knew his subject well.


As for me paying the hosting costs of the club site: since 1998 I'm running my own website, that includes the most extensive resources on the Me 163B Komet (1400 pages) and the AQM-34 Firebee RPV (700 pages). I never asked any visitor for a contribution to pay for the hosting costs, and I never received one financial contribution (not complaining!). And honestly, the hosting costs aren't that high, I recently started a new website, and I'm paying ~40 euros annualy for that one.





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