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Correct Seamless Intakes for Desert Storm era F-15C with 58th TFS/33 TFW

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Hi everyone,


This might be an obscure question but I was having trouble finding the answer online so I'm hoping some Eagle experts out there can help.


Phase Hangar Resin offers two sets of seamless intakes for the GWH Eagles, one for the F-100-PW-229 and the other for the F-100-PW-100. Does anyone know what configuration 58th TFS birds would have during Desert Storm? I know that they were fitted with MSIP II, just wasn't sure about the engines. Thanks!

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I don't really know much about the F10, but with a little Googling:


Desert Storm is too long ago for -229 engines to be in service and wasn't used in F-15Cs anyway.  However, there is another variant that was in use then, F100-PW-220. Some were new, some were built with upgrade kits for the the -100.  I've seen 1992 as a entry to service date for the -229 and 1986 for the -220. I don't know how long it took for the fleet to upgrade, but I would expect that the 58th would have been towards the front of the queue. I would lean toward the 58th being equipped with -220 engines by the time of Desert Storm.


Looking at the Phase Hangar parts, the difference between the sets is the shape of the fan spinner.  The -100 is a dome and the -229 is a cone. The -220 also has cone spinner.  There was also a -220E (E for equivalent) that were upgraded -100, but I haven't found a photo that clearly identifies this as anything different from a -220.  

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